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A member registered Feb 21, 2017

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returnswords by returnswords ( They're doing it by the book.

A great little story. Did exactly what it intended to do. I recommend it wholeheartedly.

A really solid start; the happy birthday motif in the music was neat. Gets the early 2000's vibes quite well. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.

I think the most recent uploaded version, 0.14.1, might be a WIP version. The new BGs have visible watermarks and the new CGs present have ch15 in their filenames.

Short, sweet, and to the point; I dig it.

Heaven mode feels too difficult for what is supposed to be the more relaxing mode. I eventually got the hang of it, but I was getting tired of mashing to skip a cutscene that I was getting to for the 20th time. The especially frustrating parts were the boss attacks that took away what seemed like half of the health bar. While the small enemies posed little threat on Heaven, I still had to pay extremely close attention to the bosses and stage hazards; you can't make many mistakes through the whole run if you want to beat the final boss.

I enjoyed my time overall, but I was getting very frustrated at times for what is supposed to be easy mode.

The presentation is great, enjoying my time with it.

More continues/health would be appreciated on Heaven mode. I can barely make it to the last boss after 4-5 tries.

It's a neat little thing. I was expecting mostly jokes, but was pleasantly surprised by the other stuff in there.

(1 edit)

Great stuff. I am very much looking forward to seeing where the story goes.