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Wild Tirki Fiction

A member registered Jan 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Welcome to Planet Naizyr!

                                 Home to a human-like species called Naizyrians. Their planet is about to go boom.  Will they be able to stop fighting amongst themselves long enough to discover the problem?  Help the characters save the planet or go out in glory with murder, mayhem and orgies.

This is the continuation of the free, double -sized,  first episode of The Surfeit hybrid novel. 

In the West:

Will Asher's journey end here, due to the events in episode one?

How will Elyssia fare against the Black Mark without Asher's protection?

In the East:

With Azalea chained, strung up and powerless, what will happen in Mihono with Zayne's blitz for the throne?

Will he finally attain absolute control without anyone in his way?

These answers and more as the story changes and twists. Will you uncover everyone's true motivations in The Surfeit - Episode 2: Homecoming?

(1 edit)

The Surfeit Episode 2 has been released!

The Story continues....

In the West:

Will Elyssia, Asher and Hino survive their encounter with the murderous vigilante, The Black Mark?

In the East:

What will happen to Mihono now that Zayne has taken care of his opposition?

The opening credits will catch you up if you haven't downloaded episode 1.

The Surfeit has 18+ scenes which are totally skippable.

For more info on how to do this, and for a FREE DOWNLOAD of Episode 1 check out:

Follow me on twitter at WbFreeborn.

The Surfeit is a sci-fi drama that seems, boring, generic and predictable at first....

...but the deeper into the story you go, the more unpredictably chaotic it becomes.

Do you have the courage to keep going as things quickly change?

The Surfeit is a new type of visual novel that focuses more on spoken dialog then text.

It is fully voiced and leaves how the story is told up to you. You can avoid scenes with characters you don't like, or skip NSFW scenes.

Don't like world building or huge info dumps?  Skip through them.

Not sure this is your thing?

Try a free demo. There are 2 to choose from!

The STORY DEMO contains no nudity or sex and will give you a taste of the mechanics of this new hybrid novel. It will also introduce you to some of the main characters from both the western and eastern parts of the world. Experience for yourself how the stories branch out and interconnect.

The second is a single NSFW 18 PLUS scene that has no story choices, but lots of 'action.'

Get a small peek into the sexual nature of the western world and kick back and watch the show.

Head to to get your free demo of The Surfeit.

Hey don't go with unity or ren'py if you don't want to be forced to learn a little bit of code and ALOT of trail and error.

tyrano builder is the best for people that are artists and not coders. 

It has an easy to understand drag and drop interface, everything is color coded an in it's own little box.

It has issues like you can't make anything over a gig without manually packing it or when adding too many assets at once, because it will crash.

I chose tyranobuilder over the more popular and free engines because of it's ease of use.

Check out my demo if you want ....a demo.  LOL

Search, "The Surfeit.'


Awesome! A reply! Thanks firecat!

The Surfeit is a hybrid in the fact that it's a mashup of an audio drama and a visual novel.

It tells its story through still images, text and dialog. no sound effects , no animation, no cut scenes.

I assure you it is something new and many will not know what to make of it.

New things are always confusing and indescribable.

Thanks for speaking up! You are Awesome! ^_^

A new type of visual novel is born!    The Hybrid Novel!

A hybrid novel tells its story like a movie with still images. 

It binds those images together with a written narrative and these scenes are brought to life with the performances of voice actors.

As the reader, you will get to chose which parts of the story are shown.

If you like a character, you can follow them around as they break apart from the main party.

You can also choose to view the NSFW sex and nudity... or ignore it.

The story of the Surfeit is like Avatar: The Last Airbender meets Game of Thrones.

All the Characters are strangely connected and have hidden motives.

Each will make choices that will change things in big ways.

This science fiction drama will slowly pull you in like a black hole.

It will give you a false sense of predictability before you come to realize that something isn't quite right.

For a deeper look into the story, go here:

and finally, here is the trailer for Episode 1 (of 5)

For even more Surfeit, become a Patron for Exclusive bonuses!