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Lone Dev

A member registered May 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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I will fix that later so try again later

I would totally buy this off of the playstore

weird cause I was able to do it before

No way my crushes name, i gotts play this now

never mind, sorry like I said I don't speak/read in other languages I had to translate the description, but I still don't really understand can someone provide a English summery of the rules please?

(2 edits)

never mind, sorry like I said I don't speak/read in other languages I had to translate the description, but I still don't really understand can someone provide a English summery of the rules please?

Привіт, я розмовляю лише англійською (це перекладається Google Translate). Якою мовою має бути моя гра?

I already had it sideloaded on my oculus straight from sidequest so I didn't realize either at first

id love to have a apk version of this

the android port is for oculus users so they can sideload it

(1 edit)

this certainly didn't fulfill my fantasy, but its still good

You made sure you tried to download it on Android

So changed special but with different themes and graphics...COOL

What if i don't care/want for the prizes? who gets them?

 I only use gdevolop so not like I had a choice XD


really fun!

Oh yeah and I use gdevolop so visual coding ..

Hello Im kinda new to this game jam thing as well, And this may be a problem or not but I don't have discord or socials besides itch and email (parental restrictions) I'm creating a game where your a debugger in a vr game trying to stop a slew of glitchy code trying to make her one of them while also using intentional bugs to complete the levels I'm seeing if your interested if you are my email is

no  second date robot >:(

very fun but i found it hard to click on things, also i found that if i talked to the youtuber dude and ran off then came back i found that his dialog would replay over the old dialog causing him to give me extra money

good game one thing i didnt see or rather hear was sound i dont know if it was just my earphones or what but otherwise pretty good game

yes, sorry for the late reply

oh frick no thats terrifying furries a...nvm


no it is not ai

if i were to win i wouldnt be able to use zorin os since i use a chromebook that isnt compatible with linux so if i were to win is there a trade off if u cant? (im asking for others cause i know im proably going to get board and stop XD) 

your such a helper XD

great graphics and you added a lot of lines for the chest to say when you die (not that i would know since i didnt die at all...)

hey so my game got corrupted and hours of work is gone so i think im going to drop out of this jam sorry in advance

i dont have discord but i have an email (or a scratch account which ever) my gmail is

What format do you use? Im going to be using gdevlop 2d nocode engine and is wondering if you'd like to team up

How's your game for this jam? Send screenshots 🙃

Will the game NEED to be compatible with a retro game controller? 

Orifice Jam community · Created a new topic Cool jam art

Ignoring the weird "smile" that was the opening the jam has nice art

Which is why im leaving the jam today since I just realized I used one of gdevelop's  template

Nvm I got scope creep and is now doing something more simple

I'm sorry but if your game triggers trypophobia I'm outta there 

Hi!!! for this jam im creating a platformerish game where you are a kitsune in japan trying to save your half human daughter from a party she went too, your daughter (in the game) was invited by a old yokai friend who seemed to forget that your kit was half human and accidentally sent her to a yokai party at a old haunted manor. Anyways im using gdevlop and will be doing mapping and coding so all i need is a sound and pixel art designer (i prefer that if you are doing pixel art, to use piskel since i can open and edit piskel files in editor. I dont have discord, or social media, the only thing i have is a scratch account (scratch user: creeperawwman20 )and email 

Wait what does "+phobia" mean???