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A member registered Jun 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Awesome! Looking forward to working with you both. I'll join the discord over the weekend, currently working on a jam. 

Programmer, Sound Designer and Composer looking for an artist for the jam. We do 2d games but not so fussed on art style. 

If you haven't found a team yet let me know if you wanna partner up for the jam.

Thank you!

Sweet. Definitely up for it. Hit mu up on discord if you want @ maximus_level (SteveRSound).

sent you an add on discord. Sound Designer and composer here.

Programmer just got back to me there and they are in. I'm sure you'll get along well and they have done a number of jams and projects. 

That's awesome. Yeah I had a look last night nice stuff. Reached out to the other programmer so awaiting their response. Tried your discord but couldn't find you. I think discord doesn't find usernames it has to be the account name. So you can add me. Search for maximus_level. And then when you do my username is same as here SteveRSound.

Hey there. That's awesome. I'm not worried about experience. Always willing to work together with people. I may know of another programmer that could potentially join, they may be busy but I can ask. Maybe add one more artist, and with you doing pixel art and programming and me doing sound and music we could have a well rounded team. 

Hey. That sounds awesome and I'm totally up for that. 

Experienced Sound Designer, qualified audio engineer and composer looking for a team to join the jam and fun! Willing to one or the other other or both depending on team requirements and will work with all skill levels.

Find some of my page here or below:

Have a good one all!

Hello. Experienced Sound Designer and Music Composer looking to join a team for the jam. Willing to do both sound effects and composition but can focus on one if required. 

Find my work on my itch page or below:

Best of luck in the jam!

Hello there. Sound designer and Composer here. Willing to do both roles so you can use the team slot to add another programmer or whatever you wish! Class as 25+ but willing to work with all ages. If interested let me know. 

See some of my gamejams on my itch page or check out my porfolio on google drive.

Hope to see ya, cheers!

The music was great and the instrument changes were cool.  I mirror what the others have said about making which lane we are in a bit clearer sometimes. 

I have not yet achieved some of the high scores the others in the comments have. But, I shall endeavour to do so!

Fun entry. Well done.

Loved the music in this one snd thr charming art style. It was a bit challenging for me in places but that's probably just down to my skill. 

Great job

Loved the music in this one snd thr charming art style. It was a bit challenging for me in places but that's probably just down to my skill. 

Great job

Struggled getting used to the controls at first but started to get the hang of it. This is packing entry and one of the more impressive ones I've played.

This is a good entry. Love the art style and the puzzles were well designed. 

Thank you so much for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed the game. We appreciate your feedback and it will all be taken into consideration as we continue to develop the game. 

Also, as a side note,  for someone who says they don't understand much English, your written skills are impressive. 

Didn't understand what the light/dark theme was if it was present. That said, this was a super fun game. I got fairly far before eventually losing but it was great. The music was seriously vibey and chill. Absolutely loved it. Great job.

Very fun game. The power up were really fun and made me feel epic. I opted to keep upgrading my rate of fire and campfire bullets (because I'm all about DPS lol). Very fun game. Nice work. 

Great tone setting with the ambience and sound effects. The art style in general was really good, with the level design and character models. But my favourite was definitely the skull design. So clean looking. I thought the camera zooming in and out in relation to the cursor position was brilliant and well executed. 

I can proudly say I found all the skulls and enjoyed this game. Great work. 

Great ambience set from the music and sound effects! Instantly gives it a great spooky and chilling atmosphere. A very cool entry for this jam. Great work! 

Simple and effective. I love games that focus on the basics done well and are super intuitive and uncomplicated to play. This is one of them. Of course, an element of skill is required. Especially when dark mode occurs and its becomes much much faster. 

Gameplay done very well. Art style and lighting effects were great and I loved the music. 

Well done. 

Wow this game was not what I expected and I love it. The entire presentation of the game was very sleek and with some nice music in the background with some good vibes. Great entry! 

Awesome. One of the more narrative based games I've played. Very intriguing. Well done on putting this together in a short space of time. I'll be looking forward to see where you go with it. 

Charming game! The penguin walk animation is sooooo good! 

This is a really solid entry. Great music, great art and good gameplay. And upgrade options too. Amazing. 

Really loved the art in this game. Great job. 

Quite difficult at first and took me a little bit to get used to what was happening. Once it clicked I was in. Excellent game. 

Loved this game. The amount of pickups and mechanics you managed to include are amazing. Very fun and addictive game. Excellent work. 

Loved the main music. Sound design was good and the art was really standout for this one. Nice movement feel to the player and the dash was a good touch. I was half expecting a one hit kill game but I was very glad to see it wasn't like that. 

Nice work. 

Pretty cool entry. Art style is really cool and the music is on point. Sound design is great too. 

This game has a lot of potential going forward. After the jam I think if you made it colourful and popping visually it would add so much to the game. 

The music was brilliant. Real 80's vapor feel. As a musician I really respected the goal of the game to be survive until the end of the music haha. And you can be damn sure I did! (on my second go...) 

The only things I would suggest are to make reloading times quicker for shooting enemies as I became overwhelmed quite easy and had to basically run around the map nearer the end. The tornado effect was a great touch and the animation was fantastic. I'm not sure if it is actually dealing damage at this point in development and I completely understand due to jam time if it isn't. Look forward to seeing that in a later build. 

I could really see this game all colourful with a banging retro 80's soundtrack for multiple stages, different powerups as the levels go on and it could go on Steam for sure with a bit of polish. 

Nice work on this one. 

Great interpretation of the theme and one of the best platformers from this jam I've played. Very smooth gameplay too. Sound effects and music were good and I loved the design of the character. Nice one.

Fantastic entry! Very short but for a game jam that is completely understandable. Especially for the quality. 

The art style is so endearing. The rain effect is very clean and make me feel all cosy. The simple concept of the game married to the theme of the jam with the light mechanic for platform was brilliant. 

Sound design was great and the music very well done, reminded me of Unravel. Overall, one of my favourite entries I've played do far. 

Great work!

Great game. Sounds were good. A little music would help really bring it to life. Even something just ambient in the background. 

Gameplay was great and the photograph mechanic was brilliant. Nice work on this one. 

This is really good. The music choice is fantastic and really sets the tone. The light click sound effect is very satisfying too. Something about this game keeps me reloading every time I blunder on into the darkness because I was careless. 

Excellent job! 

Nice entry. The music was good and the art style very cool. I find the drawn backdrop very appealing to look at as well. 

Well done.

Great art style and music. The character design and animations are super on point. Also, Panda Wizard is just like the most clickable name ever haha. Well played! Great entry.

Great job. Reminds me of Papers Please style. The art was very charming to look at and the music fir the theme well. 

Very impressive level design. Loved the perspective change of the camera as well going from left to right to top to bottom with the scrolling camera. Great art style too. 

Nice job!