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A member registered Jul 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! I checked out your video and cracked up a few times. I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I appreciate the feedback!

Thank you!! Haha that bin scare seems to get people pretty good

Thanks so much for playing! I feel like the last level could use some work, but I am happy with how everything turned out.

Wow, thank you so much for letting me know. I didn’t even realize I disabled them. I just re-enabled them!

I loved the overall game idea, but it was super tough for me. Some of the hitboxes seemed a little unforgiving.

I thought the loop with receiving upgrades from chests while also searching for keys was awesome though! The arrow showing the clue was a nice touch as well.

A tutorial level would help quite a bit. I kept having to reference the description to figure out the lever + clue mechanic at first, but that’s partly on me since I hate reading.

Thanks for the very kind words! :D

Thank you! Yep, the last two levels are reallyyy challenging, but not impossible! Thanks for finishing it!

You made my week with this comment! There are tons of really awesome entries this jam.

And yeah I can definitely see the spikes looking a little cloudy, but thanks for the feedback!

Way to go finishing it! After seeing a few friends play it, they seem to say the last 2 levels are pretty challenging/borderline impossible.

Thanks for the feedback though!

Thanks so much! Floaty Boy was actually a placeholder name but it somehow was never changed haha

Thanks for playing! Getting through all the levels is no small feat!

(2 edits)

I believe it was after I got the 3rd key card - I made my way to the top left portion of the map.

There was one box in the room on the floor that I pushed all the way to the left against a small wall that looked like it had another (2nd) box on top of it.

I then jumped on box 1, and attempted to push box 2 to the left - off of the wall that it was sitting on.

As soon as I held the “up” button to start pushing, box 2 phased through the floor quickly - dissappearing. Afterwards, I tried respawning, but box 2 did not respawn.

I had a really fun time, but I think I encountered a bug or I’m just really bad…

Overall it was an awesome entry. Good job!

Short and fun. The ending animation was fantastic.

(1 edit)


Thank you for your kind words.

Thanks for your feedback! I’m glad you noticed the tension I tried to create with the balloon mechanic. The majority of my time was spent designing levels and it was tons of fun, so I’m glad you had a good time playing through it.

Thanks for the feedback! The balloon popping is oddly satisfying

Thanks for playing! I was worried it may have been too difficult.

The ghosting effects and slight echoing of the sfx really contributed to the immersion, well done!

Art and animation was solid! Cool title.

Really similar to last year’s winner, but I guess that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Simple and responsive!

Getting the ball to bounce was reallyyy tough. I couldn’t get it working consistently, but was likely just a skill issue on my part. Cool animations.

Thanks for playing! I appreciate the feedback

Awesome entry! The animations were really solid. Congratulations on building this with your own engine. That is definitely no small feat.

I won :D

Cool game! I never played the NES version, but I had fun playing this one. You really sold the effect of skating towards the horizon, it looks really good.

Overall good job!

I’ll play, rate, and comment on anyone’s game who also does the same for mine! Just drop a comment. I’m excited to play all these sick entries.

Thanks so much man! I still feel like the last level was a bit too difficult, the last section in that level with the moving spikes still makes my blood boil whenever I play it.

For some reason I couldn’t get through the tutorial. The mapped buttons weren’t doing anything

Really neat concept, the controls were really tough to get a hold of. Also the camera switching was a bit jarring. Cool idea though!

Cool game! There was lag when hitting the bosses so it made the fights pretty trivial.

Rated yours too!

It was really tough for me and I couldn’t get used to the gravity switching controls, but it was a really cool concept! It could definitely be fleshed out with some minor tweaks to the controls/guns.

Sweet, rated yours too!

Cool game, some polish like screen shake and sfx would create a better experience. Good job though!

Sweet, rated yours too!

Awesome entry, the boss design was insanely good. Although the exchange mechanic was more annoying than it was fun.

(1 edit)

Yep that was the original idea - although it was too ambitious for me and I had to pivot once I realized how much time I had left.

Thanks for playing though! I will checks yours out too.

Really cool and original concept. I think the mechanic of controlling the rat’s tail with the mouse with the addition of the physics can be expounded upon greatly - maybe in a different type of a game other than a bossrush.

Also I loved the art. I’m a sucker for silhouettes!