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A member registered Aug 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Good work.

Cool concept, maybe the books could have some excerpts for those who want to learn more about the topic literally, I'm totally up to see where this goes!

Overpowered, awesome OST, don't know where the boss goes, great work.

Yes, I downloaded the latest.

I will try again if there's a new update (reply to increase the chances of me seeing it), though I am confused why the physics engine is even in use.

Seems good, though it seems it lags after the first few seconds of the game, due to the amount of units.
Maybe experiment with ECS?

Died instantly to rabid rabbits on first try, second try: spent 15 minutes wondering what I was supposed to do and missed the Hall upgrade, or it wasn't explained (I'm a dumbass, otherwise known as the first-time player).

But overall, very polished game, the only thing dragging it down other than the aforementioned would be the time limit, sour taste in my mouth.

Good work Hugi.

Pretty smooth, if repetitive, Roguelike bullet hell.

Pretty cute story, great presentation, good work.

Lmao, feel ya.

Will do, apologies if it takes a while.

Pretty good, maybe clunky, nice.
Good work.

Pretty cute, though the combat could be a bit smoother, it was very well made.
goes hard feel free to screenshot

Pretty fun combat (if a little grindy), all I can critique is the graphics, the controls, and the performance, overall; good work!

my first run crashed on boot up, no pre-instancing (the sin), some rooms didn't have any enemies, and I'm not sure if there was an exit past the dining room but I missed it if there was.

I'm sorry that I didn't get the impression that Permadeath was intended.
Overall, giving players less unpredictable and more manageable threats while improving the players' defensive and escapist skills, and being less fragile.

I've seen a couple games also add a leftover mechanic where you last died to recover some progress.
Blueprints should not be lost, only upgrades, rooms should be repopulated, but not as much as the first time you cleared it.
Overall; permadeath doesn't have to mean no progress.

oh and the spider is too fast can we undo that

The game's ruining factor is the saves, death is not only punished with large time losses, but also since resources and blueprints get wiped, as such it becomes very hard not to just quit the game after death.

Very cute and relaxing.

My point wasn't that Acro should be nerfed, it's that Hemi should be buffed.
Frankly, Acro is very fun to use, and I'd want Hemi to feel like that too.

I am a fan of that armor idea though.

seems like the controls are not the same,  X is the use button, E makes characters follow you, and doesn't seem to make you chat, and Q is what switches items.

Acro seemed to have equal/interchangeable damage with Hemi while having faster attacks, Hemi had slower and less maintainable attacks (and movement?(placebo?)), I beat the boss by stunlocking them in the air to death.
One hit kills for Hemi's basic, larger AOE and damage, and less mana-costly values would make Hemi similarly satisfying.

Oh yeah, forgot to ask, is the floating normal?

Acro's too based for the enemies.

Very smooth combat! Liked the polish, Acro's OP, good work!

Opened the Exe:

Awesome destruction, fun combat, good work! excited to see you continue with this! thank you mezz!

the first grapple seems to be bugged, may have something to do with a physics bug related to the low FPS.

resolution doesn't scale correctly.

Afaik, Preload would be the fix, yes.

It was pretty fun, and a little polished in some areas, but its combat was basic and a little rough, I'd love to see where it goes though!

Nope, I mean with every attack, there's a slight stutter which is signature godot not-preinstancing.

Very smooth! Awesome music! Does have some performance issues with the boss fight due to pre-instancing (the godot sin), but other than that it was pretty swell!

seems like the web version is...

Pretty good, loved the style, the healing spells have some bugs, and it grew a little stale at the end, but it has a lot of potential.

mouse is not locked and sensitivity is extreme.

A genuinely awesome style, with good (but improvable) combat and a couple bugs, overall, pretty solid concept!

Resolution doesn't scale correctly = most UI is offscreen.

Pretty cool murder mystery that flew over my head! Great style, only tidbit is the slow walking, overall pretty good!

menus are bugged, possible resolution issue.

Pretty fun, good art, little basic but it was sweet.
While other players seemed to have a hard time, my one Bronto run was smooth as butter.
Pretty nice work!

.PCK missing error.

(1 edit)

My greatest gripes with the game is the difficulty and specificity  of the inputs and the weighty, floaty, and slowness of the movement.
The inputs feel very limited, like I have to catch them, and once I did, they felt delayed as well (which isn't bad in-of-itself, it just felt ill here).
Similarly, the character sometimes felt smooth, but more so it felt sluggish, that's about it.
The combat is fine and one of the parts that felt smoother, but I personally didn't like the grapple (no invisibility frames, and thus pointless without the very specific timing of the attack), and some of the enemies.

The tutorial was...also...very unhelpful.
Sure, it taught me the controls, but it didn't get me into them, and thus I had a hard time getting into the momentum of the game.

I loved the style, the presentation, it's a game I want to like, but I (a very thick, bad-at-3D-platformers, dumbass) had a lot of trouble with the actual game.
I'll absolutely be following the game's development, since I'm hyped about where it's going and what it's going with, and for what its worth, I'll be playing newer updates to give more pointers if neccessary.

Good luck, Karton!