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A member registered Jul 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Easy to learn, evocative, and fun as heck. My players really enjoyed being teribble geese.

A fun little game! I played this last weekend and it was a great way to spend a chill afternoon with some thematic and game-ified writing prompts. My little dung guy (Dug) made it to the top on his second attempt.

Awesome little game! It reminds of me of my younger days playing those those little flash games like on Miniclip. Music is good, shipbuilding is great, and I love the art in this.

It took a while but I made a pretty big ship (which promptly got wrecked as I tried to brave the maximum depth lol). Here she is, Under the C

Sorry, didn't realize I needed to approve the bundle (this is the first jam I've been in where it's been a thing). Should be all ship-shape now.

Happy to help! :)

I might get finished a companion piece to my original submission. Are we able to submit multiple things to the jam, or just one?

(1 edit)

Thanks! :)

Thank-you so much!

I'll get onto Discord and get in touch with you!

Hey there! I live pretty far away from Portland (and the US for that matter) but I'm interested in working on games and I'd like to collaborate (online) on designing, writing or even just playtesting games with other creators. Please drop a reply or send me a PM if you'd like to work on something together.