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Hi! I keep getting this question very often :D I'm not planning any NTR content for Riddle. Also there won't be MMF. So MC will be the only guy we'll see in action. I don't know when but it'll MFF(or maybe more ladies) in the future

Thanks for contacting, please send me your feedback if you play the game. You can contact me on Discord(RiddlerBV) too.

As i replied earlier below, it doesn't and won't

Thanks for the help!


I'll explain the situation briefly to make it short. I understand it might take few days when a game gets in review queue. I also understand that this is likely since my account is new and this is the first game i published.

But it's been 13 days since i uploaded it. As i saw in other topics in the community, i understand that sometimes games might get stuck in the queue and might use a "bump". So i'm creating the topic to kindly asks a mod if it's possible to speed things up. If not, sorry for taking your time.

I also e-mailed support(205273) about file size limitations. It's not urgent since i'm still working on the next episode of my game but i won't be able to publish my game when this episode is done since it'll exceed 1gb. So i also hope this subject doesn't get stuck too.


Thanks for the compliment. I got a plot/style/vision in my mind for the project and it doesn't involve futa. So it's not in the plan. There's a minor possibility for a lot of kinks to have DLCs focused on them, but still it needs to fit the theme. Also for a DLC to be developed, original game should be finished first. So i can assure you that there will not be any futa content in the game. Thanks,

Sharing and Futa won't be in tags. We will probably have mild Harem. Pregnancy might be there but not like we'll see characters as pregnant. But even is still a possibility. I'll discuss it with the community and also i need to see where each characters' plot goes.

But in general i can say that i'll stay away from "relatively extreme" kinks

Hello! I'm not planning ntr for now. Thanks :)