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A member registered Jan 04, 2024

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I tried with itch app on mac. I will give it a try with crome and safari as well. Maybe its just the app.

It worked on mac. Pretty cool what you achieved in that time. 
It would be nice if the droids had > 1 life though.

Great submission

Great Game! It was fun :)

Sorry that you had not enough time to do it the way you wanted. 
Unfortunately i cant run your game: Error The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing: Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

Maybe its just me, iam on a mac. 

Hope it helps

Yep thats at least a big of my reasons. I dont know how to "actually do it".
And of course time was a big factor. A newborn child really changes a lot^^ (at least it did for me)

I guess that wont work for me. It dont need to be my dream game but at least i want to be proud of any released game on steam.

Its a long way and i look forward to it!

Thank you! :)

Newbe here.  I stopped gamedev for a couple years. But i only made very small and bad 2D games for 2 or 3 jams back then. Somehow my motivation fired again after all these years and i want to make something better than that. At least ill try.

I will watch u as well. Lets jam :)

I don't know much about licenses, but what about the Free Assets from Unity Asset Store?

Thanks! :)

(1 edit)

I guess when its allowed to use Free Assets from anywhere we can use our own "old" stuff as well?

Just being curious.

When will the theme be announced?