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A member registered Mar 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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I agree.

I tried to search up "UZG 2", the game's name is literally just "UZG 2 (BETA)" and yet none of the results give me what I want, and instead give me some random ahhh song from a year ago.

Right there with you, Crosshairs.


I had a great time, thank you.

On another note, could you open-source the project? It would be helpful to those that wish to continue the project themselves, or those (like me) that want to make a shoddy remake on a more up-to-date engine.

At this rate, we'll get Half-Life 3 before Haxor gets the motivation to release 0.3.

we can only hope...

Now that you're slowing down with the updates (while the game is still in beta nonetheless) I'm half-tempted to remake UZG.

ngl you need some work on the thumbnail images 

This looks like it was made using Godot, could I please get the source code for it? I really need it.

Could ya hand me the source code? I really want to understand the code behind the swinging, need it in my own game and can't find any online resource about it.

(1 edit)

Could you please make this compatible on Godot 4.1?

shit. I can't make art or music for my own life.

What does presentation mean in this context? Like graphics or game design? Give examples for good presentation.

Haxor has already answered your question, but even if it was to be added, I don't think Haxor would spend money out of pocket on servers for multiplayer.

It isn't a very hard feature to develop on any game engine -- all you have to do is make a button that returns whatever png or jpeg file the user picks, then set the company logo as the value returned.

It's great to see some of my favourite games get some recognition. I wish you the best of luck in your game development journey, from one game developer to another.

Take your time and make sure you limit the amount of features, too many will result in a loss of motivation & far longer development time, thus resulting in an eventual death of the game, abandoned by both the developer and the players.

When is this update coming to web?

I absolutely loved the first game! I was scrolling through Godot games, and I found THIS! I never knew you made a sequel, and even better, I didn't know it was made in Godot!

- A fellow Godot developer

Very good music, mediocre UI, couple bugs every now and then, very fun.

Hah! As soon as I saw that loading screen - I knew it was Godot! I quickly checked the description, and it is Godot! Good to see more developers using Godot nowadays.

Operating Systems, wow, I'm excited just by the thought of it.

Haha, I've seen this! I tried downloading the game (I was desperate) and it didn't even run. Many of the reviews have the same issue.

That's the thing, because is an open marketplace, there are LOADS of gay games, which is the reason shoves them down your throat. Half the games (over exaggeration) are gay, so it's only fair half the recommendations are gay visual novels. Sure, it's really darn annoying, but there is nothing we can do about it, I'm sure the people at hate it them too, but I don't think it's very fair (for an open market) that some games are purposefully being left out by the algorithm.

Ah, I see, thanks for responding to my question.

(2 edits)

What about touch emulating a mouse click but not the other way round? Godot does this by having 2 separate options (see screenshot)


Is there nothing like this in Construct 2?

Hi! I love the game, however, my pc broke just as I was getting into the game. I know a mobile version won't be added for a long time, but could you at least make a touch function as a mouse click for the time being? I know for fact other game engines (specifically Godot) have an option to make touch function as a mouse click, but I don't know if Construct 2 has this option. If it does, why don't you add it? I agree that mobile support should be delayed until the game is complete, but until then, you should at least have basic touch controls for those that wish to play the web version on their mobile device.

You can publish the original game to, then you can send me the link to it. I will count it in the jam.

Nobody is allowed to add files from their game during voting.

It's a nice, simple, polished game. The game has very few bugs and has incredibly simple mechanics and artwork, though I personally don't like the strong bloom.

Overall, nice game, can get boring at times though.

No game?

The artwork is amazing, but it is a buggy and unpolished game. The game was fun but the controls are annoying.

Hi Swint, the reason why you cannot upload your game to the jam is because the voting has started and submitting has ended. Remember, Submitting starts and ends at 10pm.

If you wish, you can send the link to your game to me and I can add it into the jam.

(2 edits)

There's only one day left till the jam starts! Remember to prepare for the jam, because only one day to make a video game really isn't much. But don't try and stress yourself out! The theme will be announced as the jam starts so I hope you've gotten some practice for the jam. (also, you can suggest themes by replying here)

Good luck.

Underrated af. Amazing guns

10/10 best game ever, much better than cod, battlefield, and minecraft combined!

I don't think Unity has visual scripting built-in, You can try UE4 or UE5 but they are a bit hard. For beginners I would recommend GODOT as it is incredibly easy to learn and use, it even has visual scripting! If you are looking for tutorials for Unity, Brackeys is probably the best option; he has made hundreds of videos and he has probably talked about every aspect of Unity,