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A member registered 50 days ago · View creator page →

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Oh that's nice, overall we're getting that experience

Can we connect with each other for future projects that we might work together on?

How long have you been in game dev because I just started this year 😅

Thanks for the feedback 😊 means a lot 😅

I noticed that bug but I couldn't update it in time

Awesome concept, reminds me of the mobile Hungry Shark game where you eat to increase but in this case, it's the reverse

Good game overall!

Expect a good rating 😅

Thanks for the feedback 😊

Sorry for the inconveniences, I actually made this on mobile and I don't have a PC for testing

Are you also a solo dev?



I actually like the game and we both had a similar concept to the limitation and the theme 😄

Only problem was thar I couldn't finish up my game before submission was over

Nice game tho 

Nice game btw🙂

Don't worry, we all improve so far the hardwork has been put in😉

Ok I understand what you're saying

However, this is just the demo of the main game on my page but I'll need to rework it because of some bugs

How about this, when I'm done with the main game I'll reach out to you

Are you ok with that?

Thanks for the feedback 😊

Ok what features do you want to see implemented in the game that will make it better.

I'm open to suggestions 

Thanks for the congratulations, we all start somewhere right 😅

I'm working on better games and updates so keep in touch, I won't disappoint 😉

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Thanks for the feedback 😊

Sorry for the confusion, I had to rush this because of the game jam

I'll do better in the next one😉

The game is simple, the logic and animations were just in sync with other elements.

Almost played till the evening 😅

Your game is good but I see what you did for the theme implementation 😅😅

Good game. Can we work on future projects 🙂

Thank you all for the positive feedback 😊

Thank you soooo much for the feedback

Ok I'll make some twists and changes to improve on the game soon

We all improve ✊

Thank you for the advice.

I promise I'll improve in game dev.

I like your game too👌

do you work in a team or just alone

oh ok

Nice game tho

How long have you been a game dev

I tried for this is my first game

Ok the game has good content and potential for engaging gameplay unfortunately I don't understand the language you used there and what did you use to make the game?

Keep it up

Good game

some random beats my bro(MÍØ) made

You like?

And a potential shout-out gameplay on your channel?

I'm new to game dev and I want to know if there would be any prize even if it's just a shout out or cash prize.

How many positions will there be for game devs to qualify for prizes

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Bro open source pls