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Get ready to command the campaign! SwingState is a FREE online game where you are the campaign manager for one of the presidential campaigns. Use your funds wisely as you battle a ruthless opponent to win the swing states and get to 270 electoral votes!

This new release includes -

-A $30 game option in addition to the $50 option for a full game.  The $30 option should make a full game playable in 10 minutes or so. The $50 option will take closer to 20 minutes.

-Challenge options improved - At each challenge during the election cycle, there's an actions menu offering to campaign in individual states or to play a card. Hopefully this provides the player a good look at all of the options available at each stage.

-A sound checkbox at the start.

-A fix for the new game sequence bug which caused extraneous games to be created.

Try it out!  If you've played before, let me know how it went.  This is a new game and I want to keep making it better.

I've developed my game SwingState to operate as an HTML between 3 web pages.  Within I've created an index.html that redirects to the first page within the game application.  I'm using some logic with cookies to maintain state between the pages. Unfortunately, within when the game is run and the browser is refreshed, it always reverts back to the first page.  I went to some length to create the game so that browser refresh would maintain state within the game. I'm wondering if I have to recode it to be on one single page.  Does anyone have experience with a browser game that maintains state like this?  

You are the campaign manager. Which of the swing states do you go after to get your candidate to 270 electoral votes?

In this game, each round begins with a randomly selected election year starting after the party conventions, and your job is to win the electoral votes from the 10 closest states of that year, the swing states.  How do you respond to the rough and tumble events during the campaign, and which states do you put your resources into?  Battle your opponent to win enough states to get to 270 electoral votes for your candidate to win the election.

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