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A member registered Oct 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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I am a sound designer/soundtrack composer. I may be able to help you. HMU (Discord: maple_san)

What do you program in and what is your vision for a game? (I am a sound designer and a pixel artist)

(3 edits)

Hello, I am Maple. I am an amateur sound designer. I am currently looking for a project to join. Feel free to contact me on my discord:


I am mostly interested in 2D games. Also I am here mostly for the experience. I would appreciate to be a part of a small or amateur team. Can’t wait to take a part in whatever you have.

Some references:

And lastly this one, which takes some getting used to and sounds a bit off, but I like it a bit:

Thank you for your time reading and listening and contact me if interested.

Love, Maple

PS. I am looking to be a volunteer, even though I want to get paid mostly in credit and exposure, a cut from the game’s revenue will be valued greatly.

I can definitely test, you can contact me on my discord.


Sorry to say, but I will not pay a dollar for a virtual dice.

Nothing at all. Brudjf fine, I will give it a ten.

9/10, personally.

DAMN YOU. I did it in two. :c

First, I am also not lgbt+

Second, Yuri or Shoujoai is good for your soul :3

I too hope there is 7th game comming out soon.

Is the next one really going to come out?

 I am afraid that the game launches but it stays with black screen and nothing happens. Do you perhaps know the problem? Is it caused by my lack of proper technology or is it something else?