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A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Also interested in a physical copy!

Oh, man! Well, our "Enjoyment" rank this year was the highest we've ever had for a single category, so we were still very pleased! Next year we'll have to allot time to make a flashier Title Card to attract more reviewers.

This is brilliant--had a blast playing it!

Absolutely love the cat and mouse sprites! The visuals and sounds overall feel like a perfect fit. Our team actually thought about pac-man briefly, but I deemed it too difficult for me to pull off in a weekend--bravo for going for it and doing a good job on the execution!

Wow! Thanks so much for playing and rating it so highly!

This looks so good!! I love the art. If you reply once you upload after the jam period, I’d love to play it!!

Thank you for playing! I love that the main complaint is wanting more levels—a good problem to have. We squeezed as much as we could in the time, but alas!

Thank you for taking the time and playing!

A simple, but very enjoyable puzzle game! This would be great to have on a phone to pull out and do a few puzzles every now and again. Nice work! 

This is the nicest comment I think I’ve ever received on a game I’ve made. You really made my day and made my efforts feel worth it. I’ll definitely check out your game once I’m off work. Thank you so much for playing ours! 

- Ryan

Thanks for your feedback and  for playing! I think you're right that the mid-air jump makes things a lot easier, but I do like the extra control it gives the player.  I think a "real" version of a game like this would probably have more obstacles to justify the extra jump!

- Ryan

Thank you so much for playing--I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll be sure to check out your maze game once I'm off work today!

- Ryan

(1 edit)

I’m so glad you liked it!! We really pushed to squeeze the fourth level in but we would have loved to make even more. 48 hours is just never enough time!


Thanks for playing!

I definitely erred on the side of very cartoony and snappy physics in an attempt to keep the game momentum up. Appreciate the feedback!
(Ryan, code guy)

The music is great! I love the crying witch sprite too!!

I love the art! The magical mushroom and other ingredients are so shiny. :)

Hahahha the sound when your human dies is so funny! This was a creative concept and I love the art!

This was a really inventive twist on a platformer -- super creative! I loved the art and the sound effect when you throw up the pizzas too!

This was so cute! I love your art and the sfx. It was pretty hard but I loved frantically swimming and chomping on sunfish!

This game looks amazing! I love the art -- your backgrounds look great and the farmer is so cute.

I love this idea, but I can't find the file to play!

This was a fun idea! It reminded me of the Animator vs Animation video from back in the day. I love your art and the UI -- the game looked great!

(2 edits)

Wow, the art in this game is great! I love the little title card animation. I liked the frequent upgrades, but I wish the seagull and sparrow timer wasn't so long - I felt like I barely got to use them. Creating a giant army of pigeons was super goofy and fun though!

This was cute! I like your art :)

I love this idea and the colors are nice! 

I had trouble getting the monsters to actually hit the hero though... I wasn't sure if I should place them in a specific place to get them to go toward him or how that worked.

This year’s scratch paper. Wrinkled my brain trying to remember how trigonometry works!

This game is so hard but it's so fun! I love the art style. I normally don't play bullet hell games but this one is so fun and really captured me. I love the choice of which gun upgrades to actually add to your die!

Wow, this game looks great! I'm impressed you made the opening cinematic (and all the level art!) in this timeframe -- really impressive. I love the background music too. The gameplay was really fun too -- very creative. :)

I could definitely see a game with a risk/reward combat system making really fun use of assigning the dice after rolling!

Thanks for playing and thank you for the kind words!

The art is incredible.  I love every die for a different reason. Overall I loved the concept of this and I can definitely imagine how a fun a full game would be! I liked the song a lot too. Really good job!!

The idea of a ghost casino is so charming. The knockback on the gun feels really  great and I like the shooting sound. We had a similar idea with using dice to powerup different abilities -- was cool to see someone else had an idea for a similar mechanic!

The sound effect for the dice moving is so satisfying. I love the pink background color and the puzzle mechanic is fun and chill. The audio tutorial is so creative and made me laugh a lot. Great job!

This was fun and the sushi with the gun was really funny.

(1 edit)

The art, sound, and the general aesthetic are so good for this. Super creative concept too!

Wow, this art looks amazing!! I love the aesthetic and the meows are really funny. Great game that was satisfying to play. The RNG on where the cheese is hidden can be MEAN though! :P

The little dice men are so cute. :)

(1 edit)

I really like the gameplay -- the lasers were a great touch to force you to roll and swap your gun! (The first time a laser came up I said out loud, "A laser?! How am I supposed to--oh, dodge roll.") Really fun idea and I liked how you used the theme from this year. I also like the classic game board background. Great job!

The art is SO CUTE. I loved the sound effects and music. Just allocating your water and sun felt fun because of the sound effect/feedback. Overall really fun and cute idea!