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A member registered Oct 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Beautiful, seriously; love the artwork. Going to play a little more to provide feedback on gameplay but had to comment right when I booted it up

One scam call a day! Please click through and play =]

cute little Christmas otter!

fun and "stressful", I was trying to book it

this is like one of favorites in general, I had a lot of fun; got stuck on Level 20. great level design, LOVED hearing MONKEY MODE, fun music.

thanks for the play through and feedback!


thanks for the play through and feedback! definitely learned a lot but would need to fix a bunch

very Christmas-y and polished; I felt like I got pretty quick on the draw with the ammo switching, very fun. 

(1 edit)

thank you for the comment and play through!

thank you!

thanks for the feedback!

thank you! we were thinking some sort of smash attack and/or speed boost since Krampus is "strong enough" to jump high with it but we de-committed to that due to time

thank you!

thank you!

loved the vibe/story, the menu system was great, and the audio + sfx were great

s c a r y

Loved this. Could see this being a fun mobile game/cookie clicker type thing

thank you! 

and yeah the more we’ve played it, the more I wish I had made it go back to the current scene on death 

We’ll play yours soon! 

thank you!!

we’ll play yours soon

Copy that, will do 

wave 12!! I’ll try again, wave 2 is rookie numbers haha

I made it to wave 2, that was tough. I'll play this one again. I liked the upgrades a lot, bow unit was my favorite

Loved the game and the music. I'll play this one again later for sure, crisp gameplay