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A member registered Sep 10, 2015 · View creator page →

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Because it was brought back by someone clicking something, I was scraping the bottom of the list several times yesterday and it wasn't there.

Hey, just wanna let you know (in case you don't know) that this jam is no longer visible on itch Jam timetable. 

I was keen on joining after it starts, but then today I noticed it disappeared and I though it was cancelled but then thought again and managed to find the page on google. I hope the hiding wasn't on purpose and there is no rule against joining late or something like that.

Really nice, carry on please. Some comments - as shooting is very delayed, it needs stronger feedback to be less confusing;  would prefer if jumping went a few pixels higher so it's easier to get onto walls;  during tutorial text when the building management panel was open (for crossbow) I pressed space by accident (as in some games that's how you make the text continue), which triggered the repair but also the girl started talking in very weird language for next few lines of text;  speaking of which, ability to skip the text animation would be nice;  nothing happens after the first boss fight, but I guess the demo ends there?

Very nice, but having to restart from level 1 is a downer. If it only would set you back one level I'd be hooked.

Bummer that after 5 restarts I finally manage to beat the third fight only to see the game freeze, but with this much mechanics and presentation implemented it is not aberrative to see some bugs. Despite that I recommened everyone to give it a spin, it's worth.

It's a good theme, but another thing about jam themes is we're not supposed to know what it is until the jam starts.

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I second this. Being challenged by the theme is a big part of jam experience. While it seems the theme is "fish", the fact that there is a requirement of prominent appearance of concrete fish makes it not really a theme, as proper jam themes are not such concrete requirements and are open to interpretations.

Brilliant, I especially love the presentation and how organic the animated character looks and feels. After a lot of trying I had to give up at level where you're supposed to zigzag between gravities (though I got pretty close), and it seemed unfair that hitting the orb in time would randomly still see you flying through to spikes.

31.26 I won't try harder than that.

At first I was scared of the banana and the pickle and was running away from them, until it turned out they are helpful pointers. I love the art style and smooth simplistic gameplay.

My favorite so far when it comes to graphics-playability relationship. I felt like a game that plays smooth and fast, and this is it, plus it looks gorgeous. But I was sooooo annoyed that cursor kept disappearing. I thought that's because it is the same color as projectiles, but then I saw your comment that you hid it on purpose to be able to see what we're shooting at, big mistake lol. Or at least it doesn't go well with all other vision hindering aspects. Of course, it only bothers me because I liked all other things about the game so much. Good job.

Hey, nice idea and story got me interested, though the bear skin hammer guy just stopped moving at some point and I couldn't kill him or progress in any way, is that supposed to happen?

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I had to give up as I was collecting pets for what seems to be an hour (and my real dog wanted to go out), I'm either very bad at it or that's the glitch you mentioned? And, I can't say I enjoyed the paper rock scissors thing as it was rigged and time consuming without really being fun. But other than that, fabulous work, among top games of this jam for sure, mainly due to art, inventiveness, (mostly) smooth gameplay, and the skill it must have took to make it this well-rounded.

Good job on doing the proper frame-per-frame animation and sticking with one style. Aestetics as a whole is pretty good. Controls need some getting used to, but it was quite pleasurable to get enemies stacked and then kill them with one strong attack. I didn't get to use much of the head-taking mechanics, was I supposed to? Did any of that got into this version?

This seriously gave me vibes of childhood in 90s growing up next to a whole block that was almost fully built but unpopulated and we could mess around entering apartments, it looked very similar.

Crafty story telling, I wanted to see what happens next, too bad it is over so soon.

The game feels like being impaled on spikes over and over again, because that is exactly what happens. I can't really get far as the game requires crazy skill to repeat my unskilled thumbling around after demon sends me back, but the mechanics is interesting and it is quite cool you managed to implement it. I'll probably retry tomorrow when I'm less tired.

Quite good for your first game, congrats. And there is something hilarious about security trying to stop a rampaging HR woman on a firing spree.

I'm sure you are well aware of the game's flaws so no need to point them out, but I'll drop a tip that shouldn't cost much time to implement - make things that are most fun easier to achieve. Most fun in this case is watching those guards fly through the window, and seeing them stop a few pixels away from the edge too often is irritating, so if they flew a bit longer that would be a quick fix.

I remember seeing this on discord (and maybe I helped you name it, but it's very likely you thought of the name yourself). It didn't look very promising back then, but now that I played it it's a pretty cool game, the left/right click controls are a perfect fit and you managed to add plenty of features in a short time by keeping the core mechanics small, good job!

You scoped this quite well, being able to implement that many different scenes, even if it is fully linear (as far as I could tell). Clear focus on what is important for this kind of game (player/character's experience) as opposed to me who spent the first week implementing everything else and then had no juice to do the "aberration" part right. All in all, pretty cool experience with sweet details.
Minor nitpick: men of 1997 were different breed, a document with strange sigil would get stamped as any other and no Fs would be given.

First of all, this is an impressive achievement considering your level of experience. It really got me into the mood (and I had that "now I wanna try getting a pilot license" kind of feel) and I gave this 30 minutes but couldn't achieve much after managing to take off (which took about 20 minutes). I think the issue is that page 2 instructions are unclear, page 1 was pretty ok. If you provide exact steps needed to progress the story (just what to do without pilot lingo) I'll be really happy to give it another try.

Thanks for playing. No tutorial, I used this jam to tinker with one way of how it can be done. The aircraft is fixed in space it just rotates. Ocean is also a fixed plane, it uses texture offset and scaling to achieve illusion of moving. With a more complex mesh and dynamic positioning of vertices we could have a proper terrain, but I scoped it down to the ocean. Clouds (and intro aircraft) are the only thing that actually moves, relative to plane's fake velocity. I had to mess about with shaders so clouds are always drawn over ocean even if they are below its plane.

What I like in particular about this is there must be some logic and mechanics behind it but would take the most perspicacious medieval mind to figure it out.

Oh wow, TWO horror flight sims? I'll check yours out asap. Thanks for playing!

Well, this is what screenshots promise. Always good to see a game that despite simplistic gameplay manages to take you some places just by using the atmosphere. 

If I go into interpreting too much, that "trash" reminds me of typical friends that might end up hanging in your house - a wannabe criminal, a junky, and the jar is maybe a smartass who feels superior. But grandma says you have no friends in there, so assuming that is true maybe these are the main character's potential personas that he is trying to get rid of and the phone is super-ego and blah blah idk but it was fun.

Ok I gave up at the determinant of matrix part but I appreciate the effort, pretty cool game. Maybe if you had time to implement multitasking tabs I'd find the willpower. And it's entertaining how AI is making me do the work rather than just writing the code itself.

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Cool idea, but this might be a good time to report that I couldn't make camera move at all.

Cool, I kind of didn't bother absorbing that the text announces unexpected things and was caught by surprise with the unexpected things as a result (enjoyably). Very few levels but I guess just enough for average attention spam given to a jam game.

Nice, I did not expect this to develop further than walking around, but then it manages to achieve much with little.
On the technical side, I didn't feel much excitement about the snow and snowflakes, but the character is great. Pity you can't take a good look due to the face always turning the other way.

Loved it, the gothness, the humor, being bred by moody Lilith.

It's not like having voice acting in a jam game is a norm. As for aesthetic robotic vibes, you can process your voice to equalize pitch and stuff like that. Or find an old voice synthesizer that does not use a neural network. This jam is about what you can create without AI.

There is a difference between AI voice (neural network) and a voice changer (that uses your voice sound waves but just changes pitch and stuff) or an honest voice synthesizer (that sounds like a crappy voice synthesizer). Disallowing the latter two would make no sense as these are among standard technologies. But, if the produced voice is of high quality and contains personality traits that were not present in the original recording then you can be sure that a neural network was involved and so it is not allowed.

This is so far my favorite entry when it comes to the atmosphere and connection of gameplay with the theme. Will probably remember this game for a while, such is the power of managing to do something original that also works well. Full restart on touch is annoying but oh well,

Help, I can't progress. Later I spotted in comments one person's stream, and in it he just went through the floor at place where arrows point down but I can't do that, the floor is pretty much solid and I'm stuck.

Very epic looks & atmosphere. Controls are not very intuitive, and it took me a while to figure out what "time jump with fireball" means. After some point the enemies stopped doing damage, probably for the best as then I could just enjoy exploring the scenery.

Looks and feels pretty cool, I wanted to play more but at each retry, around level 30 the game starts getting literally 2 fps I guess due to too many players spawned. Also, I guess due to that, I only saw upgrade screen once. Was playing it on chrome.

Nice way to demo the assets, and although it's nothing more than that it aligns well with the theme and the jam.

If you were adding assets into a collection on the website, when you open the collection there is a button at the bottom to export credits as txt file, a useful thing that I didn't see mentioned anywhere.

The mission can be hard to figure out so please check the game's page for some basic tips. Thanks for playing!

awesome humor between opponents