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A member registered Aug 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Woah this game is a big suprise! sadly, i honestly don't think it really holds up. The art is really nice and i do mean really really nice. Sadly the bullets kinda suck, the colors of the bullets should change a bit during the animation, helps alot with making things stand out. the player hitbox should also be a lot more flashy. The shader kinda ruins the art for me personally, but whatever that's more a personal thing. The idea with slicing the green enemies is quite fun i gotta admit, but it isn't as satisfying as i'd hope. The patterns is were i feel the game is at it's worst. (sorry louie and loki) they are really slow, which is strange since the game puts quite a lot of focus on speed killing and melee combat. They are generally somewhere in between ddp and futari bullets, but the comination isn't very pleasant. i personally think that the whole bar at the bottom is kinda pointless, like why not have powerups? it's not like you have to get out of your way to power up quicker. the music is nice though :). 7/10

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Yay! New aktane game! This one was pretty interesting, the art style is kind of all over the place, but i weirdly like that? The idea of the crew gathering weapons and deploying is fun, but i feel like if you go any further than one upgrade the game becomes absolutely impossible, since not only are enemy shots faster, the final boss just gets a lot harder too. Like always im not really a fan of the patterns, sideways bullets just feel... off. I also don't really like the pattern that shoots straight down, you can easily ignore it. The music was pretty cool!

I'd rather play crossgunr tho

Also, what happened to tank-kun????

Aah i see, that is a cool idea, but i think you should have a normal score for enemy kills and medals on top of that

Hey thanks! I think that options are indeed a bit weird, maybe you could do something like buddies or helpers? I noticed they do collision damage too, awesome! Power and magnet are fine yeah, but if you want it to be more thematic, maybe you could do something like cannon and lookout? idk. If the score works differently, then how does it work?

So fun and cute!

Fun game! I like the art, nice colors! The upgrades are fun with how they tie into each other, and the explosions are satisfying. However, i do have a couple gripes. First of all, the names for the upgrades are strange, like "tractor beam" doesn't really make sense as it increases pickup radius? Would just call it pickup. Same with weapon, if you called it power and made the shots thicker if you get it it would make more sense. Plus shields should just be called options so that it makes more sense. It's not like they shield you from bullets, right? Then there's the scoring with the chaining, which is fine! But one thing that confuses me is the fact that the score just seems to always go up? Like if i stop shooting and not grab any medals it still just goes up? Kinda strange and not really satisfying. Other than that, fun game!

Lol why haven't i commented on this game yet. Super fun and awesome style, inspired me to make my own fangame (check it out). The creator is  genius and this is showing that. Sadly has no music, but i honestly don't care. The game is fun, art is funny and unique, and i love the random boss names. Well done bud.

Thank you so much!

This is a piece of art

There's actually a totally different game called updog, these appeared simultaniously at fresh games-

Well the thing is, if there is no theme the jammers can essetially start right now. A theme requires them to wait to know what they really must do, of course not everyone will do this and is just following the rules. Optional themes are also fun, maybe something like: the loser wins, chained together, dungeon crawling. Of course you should make your own theme and reveal it at jam start, otherwise i would get a benefit hehe

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Wow, Thank you so much for these kind words! My artstyle is the one thing i'm never sure about, glad that there are people loving it! I do hope that this will be the last game i make in scratch, it's such a horrendous engine. Also, glad to know that you are doing okay, your games are awesome too :)

Hey hey don't worry. The game is great as is and maybe keeping it simple might not be that bad. If the other creator stepped away already then maybe you should do the same. Take a break and then decide what you want to do with your project.

I still love this game very much and i'm excited for whatever you make.

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What title says. I love designing card games and the standard set of playing cards is so simple but powerful, can't wait!

Okay! I definetly will!

Awesomeeee zine! Could there be a downloadable pdf with all the artwork? I want to print it out in all it's glory

This game is awesome. There are so many adventures to play and supplements made by others, the stories are fun and even though character creation is so simple, i had a blast. For Castle Charon i made a bard character that just kept charming everything and then stabbing them (and if it was uncharmable i fireballed it) and even though that character is simple, i'm excited to make crazier characters! I do hope you make a volume four sometime, i would love it.

Fun game, classic crow stuff but those VOICES!!. So annyoying..... Please add a postjam option to disable them...

Fair enough, gamedev is hard. Still happy you consider it though

Played it for like an hour yesterday and it was super fun! I added some of my own rules to spice things up, but the main game is really good already! From the overworked boar to the spoiled ox, the characters really got a personality after playing for a bit! Well done. We need more wholesome and warming solo rpgs.

The art and atmosphere is soo good, and even with so little items there is still lots of variety. Gets very difficult quick, got to depth 12. Would love a expanded non-pico-8 game!

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Fun game, but damn that bullet hitbox is BIG

Awesome game, super hard though!

It's really difficult, but the aesthetic and music is pretty nice! the photon beam seems the best, since both the moon charge and code bomb seem to do nothing? Also the bullets of enemies are quite hard to see and undodgeable sometimes.

Delightful surprise! Who knew that someone who can make such fun games can also write such fun stories! The art is nice and the story is cool! 

Thank you!

I also tried it with wine but still did not work. Where can i get the .nes file?

Also arcade mode wasnt meant to be accesible already LOL

so please forget everything you saw ( the new build fixes this lololol )

Cute! Guess my love for math came in handy

Looks awesome! Is there a mac build?

Thats so good to know. The backgrounds dissapearing doesnt bother me that much, but the fact that its properly pixelated is super nice. I was worried because everytime i run it on my laptop it doesnt work.

Wow such a high score! Big thanks! What visual bugs are you talking about? The fact that its not properly pixelated? Thats a bug on my end, no idea how to fix it lol

well said my friend :)

Its a cat shmup alright

But damn the player is weak... nothing dies

One of my all time favourite yume nikki fangames, played it on YNO.

I like how it doesnt really have any horror elements and the game looks super nice! The character is also really cute and the effects are creative. Very well done!

sure, post it! im interested to see it!

Great! i just figured out how the frenzy works, really cool!