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A member registered Nov 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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I think that makes sense. I was thinking of making a game where you switch out game cartridges of an old game system and each one of them are different mini metroidvanias, and certain items or abilities will be usable across each of them.

Or each one of them is from a different time period, and if you make a change in one of the oldest games, it will also happen in all the others.

I am very confused about where this theme came from and what it's supposed to mean. I have an idea for it, but I want to hear what other people think of the theme.

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S.U.T.A.Beta 2 is an action survival roguelike shooter with elements of strategy. In Classic mode, your goal is to survive until help arrives, while Rogue mode is simply about surviving until you eventually die.

And, yes, this version was made in Scratch and still functions on it (even after the recent large update). But don't let that fool you, as that doesn't prevent it from being a very fast-paced and challenging game. The full release will be developed in another engine, but I still think this is one of my best solo projects (though very basic).

Play free here!

Hey, cool game and idea, but since the rock can go under ground you can beat the entire game without the arrow keys

A bit difficult to say, because in my opinion, it ruins the point of joining two different GameJams. Why join two different Jams if you're only making one game? It may look like you're only submitting to two different jams to increase your game's attention (not saying that's why, just that it may look like that).

My Suggestion: Try contacting people who run both Jams.

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I probably could've done that (now I'm regretting that I didn't think of it), but instead of publishing an unfinished mess and leaving the project behind, I can now work on a full version with much more content.

My game is an unfinished mess, therefore I won't be submitting an entry. But I hope everyone else's games turn out well and everyone has a great time! And let this be a lesson to any new game developers: Plan. That is the #1 most important thing I've learned over my years as a game developer, yet I continue to fall victim to overambition and underplanning.