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A member registered Jun 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for letting me know!

This is a great, great game. Probably my favorite for the round. Very spooky and a unique take on the genre. Top three, if you asked me. Beautiful job!

This is going in a very nice direction. So glad you were able to submit something despite the setbacks! Keep going!

So dang complete. Lots of polish. Gives me really cool retro vibes. This legit feels like an early PC game. A strong contender for this round.

This is a really solid entry! Top 3 in my opinion. It's cute and simple, but the "twist" you add in the events (like multiple jumps, flappy bird style gameplay, steering) were just so unexpected and neat.

Nice work getting something submitted! Breathtaking graphics and colors. Can really see the direction you were going. Hope you keep working on it after the jam!

Wow, that game was really hard for me. (Hahah most of these games have been hard for me this round.) But nice polish and lots graphics and shaders.

Wow, nice game with completely unique mechanics for this round. Very challenging game play. Lots of polish with the sprite animations. Nice work!

My weird favorite thing is the lovely countdown animation. Haha nice! Love the consistent aesthetic!

Dang so beautiful. Lots of events and all so uniquely set in their world. Excellent submission. Def top three, if I had to guess!

So many events! Five stars in that for me, and the game thus has a lot of play time. Creative twist on the mechanics.

Very funny game. Ragdoll physics are always surprising and interesting, so I like that twist on the original. Nice amount of events cool retro graphics and color palette.

So glad you were able to submit a game! It's charming and bug free, as far as I found. Great work!

Another great entry in a great series! The music, start ditty, and crowd animations were excellent. 

I'm a sucker for pong and ball bounce. Nice simple mechanics and fun to play. Good work!

That was it! I must have clicked elsewhere on the page, or maybe I entered full screen mode or something. It ran for me and was a good time. Like the mini game approach and ease of play. Thanks!

Okay, when the poor little scientist guys were screaming in terror, I laughed out loud. Nice little puzzle game and just the right length for a jam game.

Really excellent look and feel and environment. I missed that you could go up and down from the big entry room, so I got to the end with only the plant and that was a little confounding. A simple fix might be to add a clear "up" and "down" arrow to the signs or some environmental path guiding with little glowy thing to pick up along the way. But overall a solid entry!

Kudos for getting something submitted! Haha this is what I feel like when I wake up in the morning.

FYI, tried Safari on mac with the same problem. Might just be user error on my part?

Hey I couldn't rate this one because I think I have a bug on my machine? The screen scrolls down to the view of the kids lined up in front of the merry go round, but the arrow keys and Z don't do anything for me. Am I missing something? (I'm on Chrome on a mac, which sometimes has weirdness.) I'll try another browser and let you know. But please reply if I'm just missing something. :D

Super perfect color palette, lovely simple animations, easy to understand gameplay. Just the right length for a jam game. And the ending is adorable.

I love how simple the gameplay is but quite challenging at first. Great job getting something submitted even if you weren't able to find time to do everything you probably imagined. 

Strong entry, in my opinion. A very complete game with some nice narrative elements. If I had a suggestion for future work, it might be to consider fewer controls and features, as the base gameplay with just movement and TK is super cool, and that idea could be expanded more, making the game easier to learn. Nice work, truly!

Very nice concept that fits the challenge. Lovely graphics and lots of polish. It would be nice for the hunt picture to stay on screen a bit longer, at least at first, and maybe consider a "learning" level that has fewer kinds of animals. But overall nice work!

Really nice aesthetic that adds to the story. I love the LCD effect and the nostalgic FPS vibe.

All 5 stars! Yup, that's a dang fine game. I also missed the sword and got frustrated, but happily the comments below helped me figure it out. Huge plus for me with the clever name of the game, etc. Clever clever.

Super cute sprites and animations. I liked the mechanic of the lighting making the platforming more challenging. Glad you were able to get something submitted! Hope to see you in the next round. :D

Great start with a compelling look and feel! A lot of us had a hard time finishing this round. I sure did! Kudos for getting something submitted, and I hope you make it to the next round!

More beautiful pixel art! Nice sound effects and incredible color palette choice.

I really like this approach to a point and click. It gives a nice "documentary" feeling to it, and lets us wonder about who took these pictures. Nice work!

All five stars for me! Very excellently done.

Love the graphics that both match the cultural settings and suggest old school pixel graphics. A very complete game for such a short jam, with a nice story mechanic that builds well.

Super cool entry. One of my favorites so far. The lighting and sound effects and scene decoration really adds a sense of dread and discomfort, which I think is what you were going for.

Love the pixel art and animations. This is a great start despite a rough round, real-like wise. So many of us didn't find the time to achieve our visions, and you're a hero to community to follow through! Thank you. :D

Very touching little tale. Nice way to take a calming, methodical puzzle game into a narrative. 

Yay! It's cool to start to flesh out the back story, and huge kudos for getting a complete game done even though your Discord posts made it sound like you had to do a mad push at the end. I really enjoyed the stealth gameplay. Simple but a little challenging at first. As always the old timey atmosphere adds a lot to the story. One nit for me was that moving could also work with arrow keys, (Not that WASD is hard or anything, but for whatever reason I tried the arrow keys first.)

Very strong entry. The gameplay was engaging and completely new to me, which I love. Strong contender for top three game of this round, imo. The approach of telling a full story through gameplay worked very well.

I love how self-explanatory the game controls are, and the music and bubbly sound effects built some nice atmosphere. The layered instruments and music that changed with the story are a very nice touch.

I really had fun with this one. Beautiful art style and nice implementation. For some reason the repeated sqweeching (yes that's a word) of the rubber band just had this absurd and delightful quality. Thanks for sharing a bit in the description about the deadline misunderstanding. Totally understandable and happens to the best of us. I wonder if your next round game will be more paper stuff? Haha good luck!