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A member registered Sep 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Thank you, it's about a week, all asset were made by my self except for the sound and music.

Thank you for downloading our game. We have updated our game, please download the latest version on our page.

First of all I apologize for taking too long to reply. However, due to covid, I have to follow health protocols by self-isolating for approximately 2 weeks. I will only respond to the bad things from your comments.

1. Maybe it's because I'm setting up dungeons too many times, I'm really bad at leveling anyways.

2. Sound has been my weakness for a long time, and made it repeated worse than before.

3. Maybe when you hit the enemy an indicator will be added to make it clearer.

4. Will be added later in the next update

5. Cutscene is boring if there is no button to skip. Will be added in the next update

6. Maybe a progress bar about how much you've achieved should be added here.

7. Sorry, LOL

8. I forgot that the web player has a different rendering system than the PC and produces a dark image. Will be fixed in the next update.

9. It will also be added in the next update

10. I've changed it, and maybe after this I will upload it.

First of all I apologize for taking too long to reply. However, due to covid, I have to follow health protocols by self-isolating for approximately 2 weeks. Once again I apologize if it turns out that the combat mechanic feels a little annoying. And indeed I did not increase the collision on the leg so that I accidentally kicked the potion. Anyway thanks for playing my game, I appreciate it.

First of all I apologize for taking too long to reply. However, due to covid, I have to follow health protocols by self-isolating for approximately 2 weeks. I apologize if the combat is a bit tedious, and regarding the indicator if your attack was successful, it wasn't added here. Maybe I will add it in the next update. Thanks again

First of all I apologize for taking too long to reply. However, due to covid, I have to follow health protocols by self-isolating for approximately 2 weeks. The combat is indeed a little boring I admit it, maybe the next game will try to be better.

First of all I apologize for taking too long to reply. However, due to covid, I have to follow health protocols by self-isolating for approximately 2 weeks. Maybe next I should add an indicator if your hit hits the enemy. Thank you for playing my game.

First of all I apologize for taking too long to reply. However, due to covid, I have to follow health protocols by isolating myself for approximately 2 weeks. The next thing that is no less important is replying to your comments. I didn't think that your comment would be so long, LOL.

1. The premise, actually I wrote it towards the end of the making, so it was a little messy but that's okay.

2. About visuals that are too sensual because they may be too lazy to change and redesign enemy characters, so be what you see now. (made in just a few days)

3. There is clipping here and there, I didn't look closely.

4. The point of the game being less fun is because I'm still new to this type of game so it's a good input.

5. I didn't add the camera control, it should be included in the game, this will be input.

6. I'm sorry if the game doesn't meet your expectations because I'm new and unfamiliar with this type of game.

7. The repetitive dungeon model is due to a lack of creativity in managing the same assets.

8. Sound is the victim here, because I am lazy to make sounds.

9. "Main Menu" section. Though I made it last, turned out to be pretty good.

Thanks again for playing my game.

The camera is a little buggy, I'll fix it after game jam. Thanks for playing my game.


I've been updating the by added some voice actor and sound FX to the game, also tweak the graphic a little bit.

If you have the time, please try to download and play it.

Thank you

We already update the game and also fix the menu issue. Please enjoy

Thank you for letting us know, we will check the collision on the game and will update the game.

We will upload the updated fixed version this week. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 

(1 edit)

Thank you, you also create a game with an interesting concepts, but I think the bullet stuck on the desk when I try to shoot the green dots on the other side of the desk.

Ooo my bad. The rating options already shows up.

(1 edit)

If you play till the end, there will be a reinforcement up in the sky. Pretty epic cutscene. Cute little game you have, I think the mine is more effective than the infantry. I spam the enemy with mines.

Thanks, I'll give feedback to your game also. Already download it, I'll leave a comment as soon as I finished playing it.

I'm sorry to post this but, how's the winner of the jam selected? Because I can't find any rating system on the submission page. Thank you

Hold back the enemies until the reinforcement arrives. Play this tower shooter game in browser or windows platform

Ooo.. yeah. The spawning rate is just too fast I think.

 It's a nice game, but It would better if I can see the line of fire. Good job for a 3 days game.

Thank you for playing, you can download the windows version for better gameplay.

Cute character, I like it. And also an interesting mechanic. "Death is just the beginning". Lol

So to be on the safe -side of the admins, what if before I published my game, there will be any procedure in a way that I can make it a draft, and then admins or any officials from the to examine it first just-in-case. Or if you guys don't have that kind of procedure maybe you should make one.

Is it legal If I created an in-apps purchase system in my web game that connected to my own server?

Thank you.

Ooo so sorry. I'll keep that in mind.

(2 edits)

It's just an idea, but what if can provide us some API for my web game, so that people that trying to play my game would have to enter some secret code that is provided by system. Or maybe get some credential from their user's login info / session, so only people that already buy my game can play the game. Or provide us with some API that we can use whenever we are initiating some function via JSON format or something. Because I try to switch to windows platform for my game, and the engagement rate go down pretty far. But if I stick to the web platform, I don't how to monetize it unless I created my own web service API for an in-apps purchase system.

Thanks in advance.

Will play your game for sure, here's mine

Hi everyone, just finished a walking simulation game. If you have the time, please try and play my game here. Thank you

I already rated your game, cool music though

Here's is my game, please play it if you have the time. Thank you

Thank you, here's my game

Thank you, here's my game

Thank you, here's my game

Thanks before, here's my game