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A member registered Dec 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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Sorry but no, it's in the style of a Gameboy game but it uses Godot as it's engine so it doesn't have a version that will run on a Gameboy or emulator!

Can you give more details? Were you playing the web version or download?

I loved this. The experience of playing it had twists, like when you first "peak" and you realise what sort of game this is, the story gradually revealing itself. I think make a "proper" ending, and you'll have a viral hit on your hand! 

This is very good. The vibe was near immaculate, a growing sense of dread and terror that really helped build a scene. I think it was paced well and it worked really well! 

The only thing letting it down is some of the alien sightings. I really like the photos that were included, but the actual "sightings" of the aliens earlier lingered way too long to be truly scary. 

Again, this is a really solid project and I really enjoyed playing it. 

A surprising amount of depth in a simple package, there are some good spooks there. I do feel like the puzzles are more of a roadblock then you aimed for, it's the reason I'm not going through it again  (I think I didn't have enough bullets for an enemy near the end, escaped instead) but I do think I had a complete experience all the same. 

Lol I think I messed up exporting my final copy so the trees and bushes that should be there are not. Luckily people still seem to like it, I'll fix after the submission period. 

Thanks for the feedback! Did you run into anything when the battery disappeared? That happened once when I did the game but I didn't have the time to fix it in time!

Haha, the way I programmed it, you would need to go in and out of the light from the sky! I did wonder if anybody would hear that sound effect...

I think the game loop is the perfect amount, I was just starting to get bored when I realised "oh wait..." and some things started falling into place. The story is simple, but I do think it works well. 

I think the actual scares needed a bit more work on them. I think the first abduction stays just a bit too long and the sound effect was just a bit too "normal" to fill me with terror. Promise I'm not shilling for them, but I used the free sampler from PMSFX to create some proper stings for my project which I felt help give a bit more OOMPH to an effect. 

Again, really enjoyed it! 

Very good looking game, there are a lot of small touches that really makes if feel polished, except for the writing, which felt rushed. I think the light was the thing I was supposed to avoid, which is similar to my game, but when surrounded by sunflowers it was hard to tell where it was, or if anything happened when I was caught in it. 

A fairly straightforward plot but the writing is good and the packaging with the images and the UI are wonderful at making the reader feel tense. Well done!

Absolutely! I'd love to see someone play it!

Oh wow sorry to hear that! Are you on PC or Mac?

Yay, another demon game! And what an amazingly polished game! The voice acting really helped raise this, and I loved the look of the entire thing. The writing really made the background of this world come to life, I could imagine all of it. 

I got the bad ending the first time, and then I got the others, but I think that even though it was tragic, the bad ending was my favourite. Sad, yes, but where the story could go from there really interested me! But then, I'm always a sucker for a summoned demon angst story!

Wonderful looking game, the only issue is how the text can be hard to read (on the web at least) but it's still a great little experience!

Wonderful game, with a fantastic atmosphere, I loved the little door opening effect.

Wonderful! Great camera work, great writing, fantastic art! Overall a wonderful experience!

Heartbreaking,,  the small crying really drew me in. The background, while simple, makes everything feel so intimate, like we're onlookers to what was supposed to be this secret tragedy. I loved this entry!

(1 edit)

A fantastic way to use the limitations, I really enjoyed the message and the flow of this game! I think that the text was sometimes hard to read, and the camera could  have been a bit more polished, I think having it zoom out would have helped, but this was still such a great game!

Wow, this is amazing! I can't believe something so small and simple could be so replayable, but I got every ending and loved them all! I am so impressed you managed to fit so much while only using so many assets!

What a wonderful experience, it truly felt like the epic ending monologue of a stage play, with how the contrast and the background is used, I adored it!

Wow, this looks amazing! The writing is quite funny, but it definitely got me intrigued!

A sweet game, I adore the textbox, it's simple but it adds so much to the vibes! 

Wow! I'm sorry, and congratulations for finding a completely unique bug! I didn't know that was possible, but I hope you still enjoyed the game!

Sorry, thank you for letting me know, I'll look into this!

Okay, took some digging, but it turns out I told the game to go to the "By yourself" scene, but not to the correct part of that scene! I'll try to fix that now, thanks for the feedback and the bug report!

Thanks! I'm going to guess that this happened when Ben came over. I think I fixed it now! I do love Ink, but it can be hard testing everything! Thanks for the feedback, we found ourselves with less time near the end due to someone having to put their irl life first, which is totally fair! 

Fixed this now (I forgot to check if you actually open the phone!) but I'm glad you still enjoyed it!

Haha, oh no! Was that a glitch? Did you get to the phone by yourself, or when trying to take a photo of Ben? It's so hard to quickly test a game like this to see if it gets an error like that 😅

I can't way to play the full version of this, it's such an intriguing mystery! I did find that sometimes music was too loud and drowned out voice acting, but I was able to change this in the settings!

Wonderful use of animation and music, to make a Visual Novel that really feels alive! 

Really cool idea! Sadly, I got to a point where I just could not tell what I was doing wrong to put in the next line, so maybe a "skip this one" would have been nice? 

Thank you! Yes, Ben is... Problematic, but hopefully you may have seen another side to him! I mean, he's still a pain, 100%, but hopefully an entertaining pain!

If you find any bugs/errors, then please let me know here! And if possible, take a screenshot so I can see which line caused the issue!

I had to push myself to play this game. There was so much here that made me feel uncomfortable, knowing that how I was feeling was a pale reflection of what you felt. 

I was so happy to see the epilogue pop up, to know that it was nearly over. Throughout the game, you explain how you didn't have a story or a film moment, a moment where everything slotted into a neat narrative structure, no act breaks or montages. But you gave it to us, so we could experience your story without being left in limbo. I hope that by making this game, you've managed to continue on this path out of that place.

Hi! I used Ink as my engine, and exported it with the inbuilt Inkjs in Inky. It has built in class handlers, including one for audio and one for audio loops. I just had a place in my folder to store these, then used the #AUDIO:  audiofolder/scary.mp3 or something. Hope this helps!

Really liked the idea, and the feel of the world is really fantastic, but I couldn't work out how to get the prisoner level to end properly, tried a lot of combinations but they never worked! Maybe have multiple "win" combinations? 

That's a good idea, thank you!

What a silly, funny game! Wonderful sound effects.