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A member registered 98 days ago · View creator page →

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cool game, what game engine is it made in?

salut varule

Zombie Survivor community · Created a new topic Noice

Yoo, i saw the game on discord. For your first rogue-like it's a 10/10

Thanks bro

Thanks :*) 

Very cool concept! The controls unfortunately don't work on mobile because u can't rotate the fish. But very cool! 

Thanks bro, i tried rogue reels and it's actually very cool! 

There's only 16,but yea i guess. Thanks tho! 

There is controller support and a mobile mode in the settings! 

Lol it's my first game jam, that really encouraged me, tysm! 

Thanks, i know i didn't follow the limitation, i'm just not that creative :(

(1 edit)

Hey man, thanks for the positive comment! I didn't make this in 1 day, i made it 1 day before the game jam finished, so 2 days! 

yoo i know u from the discord server

the title says enough. if you're  interested leave your discord in the replies.

hello. if anyone wants to do a bundle after the game jam is finished just leave a reply. i want to say tho that I only have 2d games. so yea 

congrats? idk what i am supposed to say tho

yes. as long as you paid for it or it's free to use

bro thank you so much for not making this paid :DD

That looks cool!