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Games 4 Geeks

A member registered Nov 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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The rules say "No paid games or games that require someone to pay in any way"...   

a) Is PWYW is okay? 
(since people don't have to pay)

b) What about if the game is free for a month or two after the jam ends, but costs a dollar or two after that?   
(and would offering community copies change the answer to this?)

It's based on the number of invasions you have when you prestige (you need several invasions before the first golden flag).

Any ideas what positive/negative reputation unlocks all the extra military upgrades/units

Fantastic, glad it's something that will be worked on in the future.
I totally understand it's hard to work on something challenging on top of a full-time job, so don't worry, just do what you can when you have the time and energy.

Thanks for the update.

CultGame community · Created a new topic Any Update?

Hi, I've been watching this for a while, but there doesn't look like anything has happened (publicly, at least) for months.

Is the project still in the works? And if so, any guess on when a playable WIP will be available?

Thanks for making this.

Any chance of a Linux version?