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Veronica :)

A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah got another one asking if I was still interested, same nigerian prince email vibe as before

Was sent an email that seems to be about this game jam but when using inspect element on the link it clearly doesn't lead to here. Just wanting to double check and also give a heads up in case someone is using this as a opportunity to scam people.

Amazing work, changed my life

Its no worries, you did an amazing job within the time frame! Really looking forward to the post jam updated version, wish you luck with your future projects too!

Really cleanly done! Didn't have any issues with understanding what to do and loved the charm and character it all has. Great work!

Oh snap, gonna have to take another stab at it! Thank you for the heads up

Absolutely adore this game! Mouse control was super intuitive and the feedback for every action was great, only wish there was a happy ending. Fantastic work!

Like Holly said the piggy and eviromental assets were great! Was fun hunting for the different endings as well.

Really enjoyed it, reminded me a lot of flash games I use to love to play!

Love the twist done with the theme

Really love the atmosphere and the idea!

Great game feel and found the swapping allow for some fun moment to moment choices

Love the retro look and the humour

(1 edit)

Adore the visuals and sounds, reminded me a lot of Jazz Jack Rabbit 2's. Really good game feel as well!

Really fun game, reminds me a bunch of the flash games I would've spent hours playing!

Really love the presentationa and twist to fit the theme!

Changed my life

Really love the idea and a neat twist on the theme! If you ever come back to this the only thing I can think to recommend would be an option for dyslexic friendly font but really love the gameplay and vibe!

Sent you a friend request there.

Hey I'm a programmer/prototyper and still looking to team up with some folk. Hoping to make a chill simple game as well!
Mainly a programmer but I'll shoot you a message if this is still available.
I'm a 3D artist who mainly works in Unity. Know a little bit of C# but only ever done it to a prototype kinda standard. What type of game would you wanna make?

Thank you!

Sometimes, I dream about cheese.