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A member registered Jul 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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yes it can create seamless tiling for pixel art too... 


In coming months...

its was going well with backend being ready but from past 1 month my system is screwed & is under repair .. ☹️

i think i'd already replied on youtube comments...where u'd posted same question... 

29.99 USD (varies from country to country pricing on steam ) for GameGuru Classic + GameGuru Max

if you are not in good financial state, then email  me. I'll send you free steam key..

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addition of Defold & love api are finished but i find that without level editor its not usefull to beginners. Am working on visual level editor as part of codeworks... It will be out soon as complete solution. Just give me sometime. I'll have something extremely cool to show.


finished with the development & testing will be out on steam in 30-60 days. thank you for your interest. Take care

Hi, it will out in steam within 30-60 days ... will post news here on itch... thank you for your interest. Take care

am done with development of codeworks .. have uploaded it on steam will be out soon in 30-60 days. thank you for your interest


is an innovative and extremely beginner friendly program for effortless 3D digital sculpting. Its fluid interface enables artists to quickly give shape to there imagination. No need to go through several hoops, hassles to remember several key shortcuts and tire yourself in complex pipeline for designing your 3d model.


Easy 3D sculpting, touch tablet support, 

lots of alphas from skin texturing to hard surface modelling, and 

a plethora of 3D kit-bash units for readily mix and merge aircrafts, characters, guns etc 

Model optimizer tool...eliminate the need fro manual re-topology

TextureWorks is an Artificial Intelligence Based easy texture generation and texture maps generation tool for preparing PBR materials for your 3D/2D Games! It has everything you need to build a complete texture from small patches or samples of images of your desired size.



Single Image to Original texture generator

Tiled Texture generation 

Scale resolution to 4k and beyond without any jpg artifacts

node based procedural texture generation

PBR texture map generator

image to image texture color changer 

lots of free textures of different categories to get started ...


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I've been trying to post about my game dev software on Community>>Release Announcements section  but not able to post it. I've tried all permutation and combination to abide by the post rules but still failed.  For few months i've been releasing my game dev software for that i tried to post in community section but were not able to post anything....

Can itchio support kindly extend there help in resolving the issue....? will be greatfull 

Thank you

Just at finishing stage for Defold support....


extremely sorry for delayed reply...its under development for other game engines.... will be releasing it soon on steam....

Meanwhile you can have a look at my other game dev tools:

Thank you for understanding...

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Due to Pandemic I'm undertaking few government projects ...most likely codeworks will be out in 3 months..


this software is up for release on steam on next month... kindly wait for a month...steam link will be posted on release....


codeworks final version will be on steam on or around April-May end....


soon to be released steam version will be offline... Merry Christmas

have updated...try re downloading...

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i don't have answer of all that.... but i have updated the software to be available for free until release...(GG only)


The feature support for most of the engine is complete and its headed for steam release. Since, you backed it will get its key on your email id upon its release. 

However, if you are using it on daily basis or you have some ongoing project on it..then i will make some makeshift arrangement ...let me know...? 

No... Just refresh it again...  or re add... if it still didn't work let me know..

I am leaving it here...some may find it useful 


TextureWorks: Artificial Intelligence Based texture Synthesizer, image high resolution convertor & texture Map generator with over 1600 free textures. 

Wishlist it on Steam:

TextureWorks: Artificial Intelligence Based texture Synthesizer, image high resolution converter & texture Map generator with over 1600 free textures. t has everything you need to build a complete texture from small patches or samples of images of your desired size. In addition with the capability of generating all sorts of texture maps, it has also the tool for increasing the resolution of the images with advance artificial intelligence based algorithms to scale images to HD or 4K scale. From the task of texture generation to texture completion, texture re-scaling and texture map generation; this software is a one stop shop to get all these solution in one package. Not only that you will also have a plethora of sample texture libraries (of over 1,600 textures of various types) for ready to be used in your 3D/2D Games at no additional cost. Texture Library Includes: Bark, Brickwalls,Concrete, Eatables, Extras, Fabric, Floor, Grassland, Ground, Hedge, Marble, Metal, Rusted Metal, Moss, Organic, Paintchips, ROad, Roof, Rust, Skin, Stones, Stonewalls, Walls2, Weathered Walls & Wood.

Wishlist it on Steam:

Just wanna check if people are interested to have it on itch. Checkout other tools:

Other Game Engines are in testing stages and are available to select few. Thankyou for your interest. I am nearing towards the release of final build ... Soon it will be accessible to the general public... 

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After going through comment section...I had to try...

Amazing game, very cool and original idea behind the game..

this is a curious case of fellow devs giving bad ratting so that you can't excel past them and in the comments section add nice..gibberish ..repetitive words to make you feel good and oblige to rate there game graciously. 

This cut-throat mechanism in game rating by game devs has its own problem and is excepted to go this way ...don't feel bad.. 

I've  given your game good ratings.. and didn't expected it  go down this far...Anyway, Nobody can tell you whether your game suck or not..  game devs have to make sure players have good experience with there game ... its you who have to put your game among gamers  (not game dev..especially in jam where they are the ones going to rate..)... am sure it will find its own niche.. 

After reading the first para...i think you might have misunderstood me... i am not blaming you for using assets from x,y,z sources but i meant to praise you the way you have used them to cut short time and used all in integration to build a good game in 2 days of exceptional... 
