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A member registered Feb 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I’m glad you like it :D

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I had to remove the last belly frame because it looked…bad xD

Will redo bigger belly renders when I have time

I made the renders, but I’m afraid if I make the update, the game goes to front of search listing and I go bankrupt from API usage xD

you’ll have to check the 3D version for breast inflation because for 2D I’m limited to belly only, unless you want the game to bloat up to 10GB+

I will add breast expansion and weight gain to all characters in the 3d version

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browser? I recommend Chrome

what browser/device are you using? Looks like it failed to load the animation

let me know if u need the zip with html files

you click on the orange arrow and it goes back to the main menu? That’s intended behavior. You can’t go back to the original scene of her standing against the wall for now

This is a blog post, and the file is a zip file to play in the browser. You can try out the prototype in your browser here

yeah its a major new bug that needs to be fixed by the GameMaker team, I’m trying to find a workaround

only if you need to, it may not work properly. Do you have an iphone? Cus for android I’ll release APK

feed them food (by dragging food items out from your backpack to give to them), let them watch you inflate (ask them to follow you, then inflate), some girls have daily activities that increase this (Yumi’s daily belly exams, …)

You can also substitute inflation desire with likability, and to increase likability the easiest way is to hug them daily

new breaking GameMaker bug, I can’t fix it so I’ll need to workaround

sorry!! I uploaded the wrong APK that doesn’t have the inflation stuff

if you used the apk then sorry!! I uploaded the wrong APK that doesn’t have the inflation stuff



sorry about that you need a more recent GPU to run, one that supports directX 12 it doesn’t have to be a strong GPU, just a more recent one as the game can run on even integrated gpus

install directX

I’m doing fully 3d next

its a test food item for the incomplete inventory system. You can’t get more yet

ya sorry as I said this is unstable update, I wanted to release it before I had to leave for a while.

what is your GPU?

maybe if more ask for it

I’ll add an option to edit the prompts next time so you can disable the prompt validation part if you want

yes, you know you can type anything you want right? The provided choices are only suggestions

click on the words (or more specifically the dialogue box)


sorry let me check


its hard :c the game isn’t optimized enough for mobile yet

What happens when you try to start it? Black screen? What are your specs?

you can disable Christmas outfits in the settings, sry I’m away right now can’t make changes to the game yet

there is a slider to increase/decrease breast size

you may want a better translation, not sure what demons mean here

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Uncheck this box


you can prompt for them, just type in what you want to happen

do other maps work?

what browser did you use? Try Chrome

like wut?