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A member registered Jan 05, 2016 · View creator page →

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Pretty cool game, the concept is very similar to my last game "Arcane Board", but has very different execution. Making monsters part of the board is pretty clever and special 1x1 blocks in shops are genius way to solve problems of having those pesky 1x1 holes.

Thanks! Seems like quite a few people think rotation could be good add. I'll experiment with that

(1 edit)

Thanks, it's not a Unity game however. I made it in javascript using Playroom library for creating multiplayer games. It wasn't hard as the library is pretty good. Every player sends their current "joystick" state and the server calculates and sends positions. All the other calculations are done on the client side and once per game day I sync positions of the plants, because they are the ones that can get desynced. 

I've heard Playroom are working on Unity version of their library, but I don't know how soon that will be done.

Nice Job. Just to note for everyone wondering - this is for old version with very different scoring system

thanks. it means a lot to me

I have a webgame, so no actual playable files except the browser page

Note: After the jam fixed minor bug where timeout bar would not speed up if you did not pick the upgrade.

thanks. That is pretty good score 

Yes, the goal is to gain enough gold and defeat the boss before you run out of health. Actually I am currently still developing this game and experimenting with a version, where you only lose health from enemies. You can follow me if you want to get notified when I release it if you're interested.

Nice graphics and sounds. I could not pick up the phone using E, tried few times. Overall there didn't seem to be a goal (or maybe there was, just had to take a call from the boss), but mechanics were fun too play with. When picking up roots, they seem to get some spooky weird physics, like flying around in circles or launching me to the ceiling.

It was a bit slow to start, pretty sure it was mentioned before that it is best to spread tutorial text over the course of the game. After reading it, there were still some problems understanding the UI, sometimes the button would press and there were no indication that I had no resources or could not do the action for some other reason. Once I was past that, somewhere after the first battle, it started to become a bit clearer and it turned out to be a game with good depth for a jam and a handful of options. Graphics and UI are nice, only some simpler user onboarding is required. Could work well as a mobile game.

Feels like a complete game, has lots of feature/obstacles, very nice transitions and screens as well as solid controls. Jumping the wall was easy and intuitive, which is not always the case in these kinds of games. For some reason camera movement felt a bit dizzy, but I guess that is due too background. Spikes didn't stand too much from the environment even with red background, so when trying to speed through I got caught in them few times. Felt like adding more acceleration to runs might be interesting experiment to try. Tooth Fairy and Naruto enemies were hilarious, graphics look very beautiful.

Cute graphics and I would say a powerful message. I think with more levels and more challenging gameplay this game could be pretty easy to market.

It started out a bit slow and I didn't get too far since I got lost after crafting a bunch of stuff and not knowing how to get to the island. Maybe I'd need to use the boat, but I could not get in. Seems to be pretty good foundation for a crafting game, animations and basic mechanics are solid, cutscene was quite cool. Found a bunch of things I can craft and play around with. Size of the game is a bit big for a jam, so that might be something that drove away players, but there was good amount of content to justify it.

Great story, great humor and pretty good graphics and voicing as well. Overall pretty nice. My only problem is that I could not evade any hotdog at the first level as it hit a bit faster than the hotdog met the head.

Aesthetically very pleasing game. I especially like level transition effect, menu, gems jumping from the chest and animations. Overall feels pretty polished and reminiscent of old games. While controls felt solid, I think in this kind of game it would work better to have faster stop time like in Mario instead of having slight sliding after you stop running like in Sonic. I wasn't sure if pressing down was redundant to collect items, maybe removing it could be an interesting experiment to do. Overall quite a lot of levels combined with good controls/features make for a solid old school platformer.

Nice graphics, nice sounds. It lagged for me a bit and sometimes it felt like it is impossible to make the jump due to the flying thing and a rock coming at you at the same time. Playing that dinosaur game with better graphics felt pretty cool.

Thanks. I'm currently making another game that is continuation of this. You can check out free playable beta in my profile if you want, or follow me for updates.

Thanks! Would you share a palette you used if you had any? I would love to finish the game and use consistent palette through out.

Great asset! Made a game for Ludum dare and got 21st place with it. Lots of streamers said plants look really good.

damn, that's quite impressive

At first I thought it's another vampire survivors clone, but yours had interesting twist in that you have to capture weapons instead of just choosing. It was a bit slow pace, but I really liked effects, environment and how it was implemented.

thanks. For coin towers you press [action] near them from time to time to collect gold it produced. There's indicator on the bottom of it, but my post processing effects made it really hard to spot and had no time to fix it.

Pretty interesting way to do incremental. Adding energy thing makes you act and think quickly. fits the theme really well. Music is relaxing and suits the game well.

Few bugs here and there and no sound, but otherwise very cute game, I like the graphic minimalism and some counter boredom solutions like being able to place your own respawn point. Main mechanic is very fitting the theme.

Walking was a bit too slow, text was a bit too much, but the atmosphere was super chilling both from sounds, tight corridors and random corpses everywhere. All in all nice horror game even tho I'm not a big fan, I found it quite interesting.

It's funny and has very upbeat music. Mechanic wise while simple it actually looks pretty dynamic and unique, especially how fast you  can generate birds. Good use of tension and drama with big boss. My only remark is that it gets a bit repetitive, so decreasing amount you need to kill would be what I'd change.

Graphics looked pretty, I liked that you had custom menu screen and that angels had fitting vfx. I see that you tried to add some screenshake to shooting which is nice, tho I'd prefer more game feel on when your bullets reach angels to give more feedback. Game variety wasn't too wide, but that's often the case for a jam game.

Sound could be bit more subtle, but it's unique and has good amount of gameplay. Don't remember any iddle game handle clicking in this way. Controls were intuitive and it's easy to understand what I should do. Upgrades are various and increase depth of the game. Iddle game could use a game save, tho I do understand it's not needed for a jam game.

Looks quite beautiful and the gameplay idea is solid. As others mentioned some problems arise from  ambitiousness of the idea, which is the usual thing for first jam entry.

I really like the atmosphere you created and the ghost mechanic was quite interesting and unique as well. Player control is solid, I could control it pretty well. It would be nice to have checkpoints so that I don't have to redo parts I already finished as often.

Thanks, that was pretty detailed and helpful feedback.

Interesting vampire survivor type of game. Really  like the  character art and the fact that you can choose which character you want. Gameplay has good depth hypotetically thanks to the powerups, tho for some reason I could not get any of them to work, so maybe there's a bug.  And the way you gain xp motivates you to go towards danger, which creates additional challenge.

THanks for the feedback! I kinda made a double spawn bug in the last build for both monsters and dice, I think a some of "too much " problems come from there :D I can bet you listened to "Bo Burnham - Rant". He actually used same creative Commons music bit as I did for the violin/bass part.

My favorite part about this game is how UI feels very intuitive. I like the gameplay as well, it ain't too challenging or long right now, but it's a good thing for a jam

Nice, tas pat nebija intended way, bet tev sanāca pārspēt to ko es domāju nevarēja pārspēt 😄 Pielaboju difficulty, lai pirmais līmenis ir vieglāks.

Thannks! The author of music is in the description. The one I used is called "boss theme". I thought it fits quite well.

Fixed update is for physics, Update is for visuals. I'd also check IEnumerators that use "yield return null" as they depend on framerate a lot. Time.deltaTime can be used in Update if something needs to be moved a consistent distance.

Cute little game with good scope. Controls were a bit wonky, but I guess that's where the challenge comes from. Graphics are simple and clean, like the growing cheeks. Good job and congrads on making it into Trijam!