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Hello, first of all I want to say that I've read the "getting indexed" support page, and since this issue it's not about private information and can help others, to me seems ok to post here rather than contact support via mail.

It's been almost two weeks and the game seems to be not indexed, reading the supporto page I didn't find anything wrong . 
My game

A few notes:

  • I understand I am a new account and a new seller and the review process could take a long time but as reported on the support states "few day", it's not easy to understand what should be the reasonable time to wait.
  • the game page was created as draft before the game upload to understand how Itch works (maybe that messed up the review queue, or maybe not).
  • the game is public.
  • the game is NSFW but it should affect indexing only for not logged users.
  • I had the need to update the game build since we found some minor bugs to adjust, that could have affected the review queue?
  • reading some discussions here I understand some changes could push back the game in the review queue, that does mean I should avoid to do anything until the game is indexed?
  • One last note: I've recently uploaded an other game and is NOT the one I'm asking support for since I know it's been uploaded too recently. The game I'm asking support for it's the one in the link above.

Well If I did something wrong despite reading the Indexing support page I'm sorry, it would mean my dyslexia is getting worse lol.