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Scott C. McDonald

A member registered Nov 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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I'm going to tell mom.

There are those that BORG that deserve death. There are those who die that deserve BORG. Can you give it to them?  

Well, can you, Punk?

There are those that BORG that deserve death. There are those who die that deserve BORG. Can you give it to them? Because I think we  managed it.  Jeebus.  Wait.  What am I doing again?  Where am I?  Who are you?  Get away from me!  I'm a CREATOR, I say!  A VIRTUOSO!

As you can see, I have no shame for my folly.  Please consider forgiveness.

I can't believe you made me do this thing.

1. You are correct and I don't know how I missed that!  Thank you!  I'll see about correcting that.
2. Yes, the starting location should be determined with a d4.  Somehow the (d4) got eaten by the layout

3. You can't scavenge an occupied room; you get rewards by interacting with the occupants.  In retrospect I can see how that might be confusing.

Thank you very much for taking a crack at the armory!

May 1st was the day I dropped my game, and interest in Arts & Entertainment went up to 100.  

Naturally I'll claim credit.

I'd love to see a review if you manage to get a game in!

Hello, I'm Scott, aka Dracomicron.

I am self-publishing Wasteland Degenerates, a Mork- and Cy_Borg compatible RPG, via BackerKit crowdfunding (the campaign is in June).  I also released a solo micro RPG set in the same universe, Enter the Dismal Armory, which you can find on this site!

I have been gaming since probably 1983 and have played a variety of systems over the years.  I especially like Demon: the Fallen, AD&D 2e: Planescape, Gamma World, and Starfinder, but the Mork Borg-o-sphere has caught my interest of late.

I'm brand new to semi-pro game design, though I've been GMing for decades and have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't.  Even if I'm wrong, though, I'll learn something from it and do it better next time!

If anyone has a play report for this, I'd love to hear about it!

Good morning, and thanks for hosting my new solo RPG, Enter the Dismal Armory.  You can find it here:

A little background, I'm currently self-publishing a full Cy_Borg/Mork Borg variant called Wasteland Degenerates, and learning a lot from the crowdfunding process.  It occurred to me that getting a little experience with a smaller, less ambitious project could help in developing my audience and publishing skills, so my art/layout partner, Matthew Myslinski, and I created this document for free download.  Please check it out; I'd love to hear your feedback!