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A member registered Jan 14, 2020

Recent community posts

Glad you're feeling better. BTW Stawer, you really have some of the best devlogs. Looking forward to all the new content. It will be a blast! Cheers.

Remember that I said that it wouldn't run on my computer. Well, I found that the problem was that I had to update the driver on my graphics card. Now it works fine.

You're right, as i get older I get more confused!

So sorry to hear about your mother. I just lost my best friend to cancer last week. It was an exceptionally aggressive form of esophageal cancer. He was in High School with me and I've known him for over 50 years. Take your time to grieve, this is much more important than any game.

I'm on a Dell PC.

I still can't run it. The unity loading screen comes up, loads about 1/3 of it, then stops. I have 32 meg of memory, so that shouldn't be the problem. Maybe it's a graphics thing?

Take all the time you need. Your health is much more important than any game. Like I say, it's not like this is the only game I play!

(1 edit)

Google says the PC file is not available. Oops, I got so excited that I didn't read the post thoroughly. Waiting (patiently?) for Sunday.


From what I've heard, the problem lies with Stripe and the other payment agencies. If they refuse to make payment for certain games and developers to Patreon, Itch and others , there is no appeal. Sucks, but that happens when companies are owned by those with certain agendas.

I tried playing the game from the beginning, and I still had the same problem with Zoe. Her level is maxed out at 10, but no matter how many times I have sex with her in the morning, her affection stays at 7.

I just had sex with her, but it didn't add any affection. Maybe I'll try playing it from the beginning again and see if anything changes.

I don't have enough affection, but it says that I can't level them up any more in this version of thegame.There's no place in these comments to attach the save file. I uploaded it to MEGA. Here's the link.

i used a save from version 14. There is no option to sleep with Zoe. I couldn't find a joint event with Zoe & Ava, unless it's hidden. There were many events that were reset, I had to replay the school events and all the Dora events.

Thanks for the cute render!

I'm always happy to see plot and character development. That's why I play the games I do.

It appears from the F95 post that you can only vote if you are a donor to F95  who is only accepting donations in crypto currency which cuts out a lot of us. I tried going to the voting page which said that I could not access the page. A shame, really.

Glad you had a relaxing holiday. The drunken uncle thing sound hilarious!

I would like to see that. Not that I don't enjoy what's going on now, but I do miss that country girl.

Is there ever going to be an Inn? Ho Ho Ho!

Take your time. RL stuff is more important than any game, no matter how much I enjoy it.  Dealing with your father's passing, both on an emotional level and a bureaucratic level is not easy. Add moving, and youve got a lot on your plate. Be well.

To be honest, I'd never heard of it until now. At 70 years old, I'm not up on all the latest stuff. I will check it out, though. 

I just had to buy a new PC myself. Didn't get the blue screen, but Firefox and Chrome werent working anymore, I had to uses Microsoft Edge (ugh). I feel your pain.

So sorry for the loss of your emotional support buddy and your mother's health problems. Perhaps the story with Mary and MC "seeing" Mary's cat Lucky was a way for you to begin healing from your loss. One thing I remember reading many years ago is "When you die, you just walk out the same door you walked in when you were born. I'd like to share a couple of events related to people dear to me that have passed.

I was very close to my grandmother, and one day I felt inconsolable. I prayed with fervor, "Please let me see where she is now." Suddenly, I felt myself rushing through space, and found myslef in a place that looked like a great library. I realized that it was a place where people went for spiritual instruction between lives. I was drawn to a place where I saw my grandmother and her sister Mary, both looking like they did when theywere in their twenties. They looked at me and my aunt said, "What are you doing here?" Then it was over.

At the end of my mother's life, she had been in a nursing home for quite a few years and had been getting weaker and weaker. I would go up to visit her every day to help her eat dinner, since she was unable to do it herself. One day, she tried as hard as she could, but could only manage to take one bite before she fell asleep again. I knew that she was ready to go. Every night when I left, I would say, "Good night, Mom, I love you, see you tomorrow." Knowing my mother, she would hang on because I was expecting to see her the next day, so I just said, "Good night Mom, I love you. Rest well." I got a call from my sister at 2AM saying that my mother had passed on. After a period of prayer and meditation, I asked to connect with my mother, and saw her looking young, happy and radiant with all her friends and relatives who had also passed on. I told her that I was sorry I never told her that I forgave her for all the things that she had done that she thought had hurt me. She laughed and said, "As if that matters now!"

I'm not a "medium" or anything like that. Strong emotions and a deep sense of connection can sometiomes help us to see beyond the veil of what we call death. There are no endings, we just move on to our next steps.

If you wish to keep working on your game to keep busy, it's fine, but please don't push yourself on our account. Your mental and physical health is the most important thing right now. As always, I wish you well and hope for your healing.

Keep up the great work. I've been looking forward to the development of Luna's story for a while now.

No rush, Cory. IRL stuff is more important than a game. It's not like this is the only game I play!

You always give the best dev reports

All I can say is WOW! This update was everything I had hoped it would be. It was filled with humor, emotion, and plenty of action, if you know what I mean. It was certainly worth the wait. I can't wait for the next continuation.

So sorry you've been having health issues. Hope your recovery progresses well.

Great job as always. You sure do love your cliffhangers!

You had me worried for a second, when I saw "Surgery Needed", I thought it was you!

I'm glad you're doing this, because I did buy all the games on itch.

Hang in there Cap, do what you need to do to be satisfied with your work. I know I am.

Thanks a lot, even for the tech stuff. I'm guessing it will be less to download also. The new stuff looks like a lot of fun. I'll be waiting (patiently, fo course).

Same with me.