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A member registered 61 days ago

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Add me on discord if thats ok with you code_basic or we can chat here.

Hey! thats amazing looking art! im currently looking for an artist that can help me on my project. Looking to create some concept art.

heyy :) im looking for an artist that can draw me some concept art for a project. Reply here or email me at and we can discuss further.

hey, im looking for an artist to create some concept art for action rpg 

Hey! what kind of art styles do you draw in? Currently have a project and im currently looking for an artist

(2 edits)

Greetings, fellow creators!

I'm thrilled to invite talented artists to collaborate on an exciting new project. I'm currently in the pre-production phase of a captivating action RPG set in a medieval fantasy world inspired by the legend of Robin Hood. We're seeking passionate artists to bring this world to life through stunning concept art.

About the Project:

  • Game Genre: Action RPG
  • Setting: Medieval fantasy, inspired by the legend of Robin Hood
  • Art Style: Vibrant, detailed, with a touch of realism
  • Scope: Initial concept art for characters, environments, and key props

What We're Looking For:

  • Character Designs: Heroes, villains, and companions inspired by the rich lore of our game
  • Environment Art: Lush forests, bustling villages, and mysterious castles
  • Prop Designs: Intricate weapons, mystical artifacts, and unique items

Why Collaborate With Me?

  • Opportunity to contribute to an ambitious game project from its inception
  • Portfolio exposure and credit in the game's development
  • Collaborative and supportive environment with fellow passionate creators
  • Ability to give you control over the artistic vision and showcase your talent

How to Get Involved: If you're interested in joining our team and showcasing your artistic talents, please reach out to me via email or simply reply to this post. Feel free to include samples of your work or a link to your portfolio.


Let's embark on this creative journey together and craft an unforgettable game world!

Hey! im sorry to hear that, when you are free to chat please reach out. I'd love to discuss further about your skills and what kinds of art you excel in!