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A member registered Mar 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi there. We have unfortunately reached the maximum team size for this Jam. :( please feel free to connect with me though as we're always looking for fresh new people to make games with! :) 

Hi there! Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. I believe everything minus Bald Brian, The Jacuzzi, The Swimming Pool and the Vegetables were created in house by our amazing two-person art team. :) 

Hi SaintVoxel! Love the art, especially the voxel characters you have created before! Sadly, we're after more of a 3D Character or Environment Artist or a Level Designer at this current stage. But I would genuinely love to do something in this style in the future! 

(3 edits)

Hi everyone! I currently have a team of four. (Myself - A Storyteller/Narrative Designer, A Unity Programmer, A Sound Designer and an Artist who can work in various styles). We already have an idea we're going with. We're ideally looking for a 3D CHARACTER ARTIST and a GAME DESIGNER to join the game jam with 😄

EDIT: We have a full team. Thank you for everyone's interest! Please feel free to keep in contact for future jams! 

Hi! I'm Calve. 

I'm interested in doing Narrative Design or Writing for the next Mini-Jam.

If you're looking for someone that can write a story script, dialogue lines, or wanting to create a mini-story based game, let me know, reply to this message, DM me, come to my house idm... 🙂 xD 

Have worked in Unreal and Unity before, fairly competent in both. But also willing to work in other Engines (But if so may need a 5 min tutorial to catch me up on the basics) 😄

Beautiful and charming little game <3

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I like that the words Bald Sandwich are in BOLD. 

Thank you so much for the compliment! 

You did an awesome job! 

Thank you very much <3

Thank you so much! I'm really glad Lil Beef enjoyed Monke, because Monke likes Lil Beef right back! Thanks again for playing our game!