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A member registered Aug 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love that <3

Thank you for saying that, I love doggos

nah go make ur own game and use the proper title as youd like. 

called it what I called it. Thanks for ur input it did help me change the colour

I'll re-word it and fix it up a bit. Thank you for telling me about the confusion 

It is meant to be a reset but you end up getting a permanent boost to damage. I will also need to add more to do to make it worthwhile for the player

13.5k   as of feb 24 2024

Im not sure how I could save scores as a separate list so between wipes and updates I could keep a record...

I did not mean to poast this in to the game jam!

no is shouldn't pop up anymore

(1 edit)

it isnt...

anymore, thanks for letting me know and have a good one ;) 

Hey thanks for letting me know about this! Should be fixed

It was an issue with the reward I had set up but deactivated.  

What a joke comment

Imma coin nerd so i was happy to bring them to the digital realm

<3 thankyou 

Have you tried again?

It works on my end and for a friend who hasn't claimed the game

Thank you for including the screenshot. I am changing it now to something i had planned before launch.

(1 edit)

(edited 2/27/2024

Thankyou I think I solved the issue.

The reward removed the "no thanks just take me to the download" even though the game is 100% off. I didn't realize the reward would overwrite that I thought it was a separate item.

Let me look at the testicle...

it did work on my end but I can get a friend to try and see what it says for him.

it would, but it functions as inteded. lol that's dedication to the bit tho  gg

Wow pretty darn neat project

Oh very helpful Thank you for the explanation of what you think is broken, it really helps to know where to look and how to start fixing things

Nope not yet atleast. 

i like the idea of it being a hyper-casual arcade game. 

but i want to add more to make the game longer with more weapons, so I suppose that's annoying AF to reset if you're grinding for the end game

Thankyou for the bug report!

I will try to replicate that issue to understand   and fix it


No no no no no I say YOU

Yup it was 2X damage but good idea I like the idea of +1 better. I kinda like +1, +2, +3...  but for now Im leaving it at +1 to see how it feels

No, you're cool!

Sweet thank you for your feedback! 
I will change it so each upgrade adds one damage.

(1 edit)

Yup thats so the player builds up and can heal faster and just be more powerful.

but it does need tweaked as it is a bit buggy

Thankyou for the the bug report!

I knew about this bug but got to it by cheating lol... I will look into fixing it for the next update. 

No!! you play as a Bone ER doctor.. therefore adding health 

haha but ya for sure i will consider that, even making the game it felt weird that I was adding health when usually I removed it.

thanks for trying it out

Thank you haha <3 
Yup, I should have been more clear about that. It increases your damage and resets the game. It is supposed to be like the Ascension or Prestige system.

Lol oops I will look into that...


I have been uploading games and assets to itch for about two years

70 follows
$43 gross across 10 payments

I typically just make game jam games and try to focus on a new mechanic that I haven't dealt with yet.


SWEET! I was at 68 for a bit then was hoping I'd stay on 69 for a bit but then went to 70... oh well XD

The passive health is under powered but I really don't want it over powered

Thank you i shall look into that behaviour. you need to beat a bone to get to the next bone. I can make it more obvious by adding colour to the button

(1 edit)

Thank you, I will get to that bug at some point. It doesn't seem as big atm because it is really just a sub optimal strategy for the player.

But I plan on locking off bones unless the player has beaten the current bone. That alone should make it less of an issue too because the player will have to build up healing strength before getting to a high-level bone. and by that point, the player could just one click weak bones.

(edit) Oh but that part about shared health is annoying and unintended 

Thankyou I may have crossed some streams...

       From coins and computer boards to games about drug dealing... this sale is by me for you 50% for almost all the items in my shop

       If you like one of my projects or find it useful then please comment on it and let me know what you like/ what should be changed. I will work on more projects like that and in the end you will get more assets and games.

       Feel free to check out my latest game SmallRPGwhere you can beat the banks by buying products or play it safe... The Choice Is  Yours...

       This title is a work in progress and will change depending on where the fun lies