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A member registered Dec 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing my friend glad you managed to pull through. The final game in this short series will be out in June! Cheers

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing and thanks for your feedback! The final game in this short series will be out in June. Stay tuned for more :D Cheers!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game and thanks for your feedback. Glad you enjoyed Dead Faces Prologue! Be sure to wish-list the game if you haven't already:

I've already released the next in the Japanese horror series

A final in this series will also be out in June!
Cheers and thanks for playing once again!

Thanks for playing!

Hello. Yes atmosphere is very important to me.

If you find it difficult remember to combine fresh oil with your lantern in your inventory too see better if you haven't already. Improves your visibility greatly as the oil slowly drains. Thanks for your feedback!

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Thanks for your support and feedback!

1. The reason for a lantern instead of a flashlight is simply because flashlights are very overused in many horror games.

2. Yes i am familiar with the process, while most are buried with their body in my country, cremation still occurs as well in a very similar way.

3. Very cool fact about Obon i did not know that! Although here the family is also responsible for cleaning their family members graves.

Thank you for checking out and supporting my work and i look forward to bring you the third and final game in this short series. As for localization i will have to see about adding that. Thanks again!

Thanks my friend! Glad you enjoyed the game!
Third and final installment on the way! Thank you so much for your support and as always for checking out all my stuff!

Glad you enjoyed it! Not your fault really, NIYA is more connected with the Aku doll and the story itself, meanwhile the head-only woman is a vengeful onryo spirit trapt within the cemetery due to her tragic death.  Thank you so much!
If you wanna get sneak peaks at the third and final game you can follow me at

New installment out!

Umeru 埋める is a Japanese psychological horror game - OUT NOW - Game page:

Kaito is working the night shift at his new job at Amayoa Cemetery. The second shift starts well enough, but something lingers around him in the distance, an uneasy feeling he can't seem to shake. The night is long, and he must stay calm until the sun shines again.


  • Photo realistic graphics with photo scanned materials
  • Atmospheric authentic Japanese cemetery inspired by a real location
  • Puzzles & Lantern with oil and refillable pickups
  • Realistic immersive audio design and 3D audio using binaural surround sound & randomized audio pooling system as well as thunder system
  • Horrifying atmosphere during a rainstorm at Amayoa cemetery

WARNING: This game contains effects and flashing lights that could trigger a seizure in some, play at your own risk.
Previous entry in my Japanese Horror Series:

Created by Aza Game Studio.


Thanks for playing glad you enjoyed it! 

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it, there are 2 more Japanese horror games coming in this series, next one will be out in a week! Thanks! Hope you will play the next game as well! New installment out!

(3 edits)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it my friend! There's a light attachment you can combine with the pistol in the office, press F to activate the light while using the gun, helps a lot with the darker areas. Cheers thanks for your support as always!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Thanks glad you liked the atmosphere, i got 2 more Japanese horror games coming in this series, next one will be out this month! Thanks for playing and for your support!
New installment out!

Thanks for playing glad you enjoyed it! Cheers

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it! 

Thank you for playing and for your continued support, glad you enjoyed it! I have 2 more games coming in this japanese horror series, next one will be out in May! Cheers

Glad you managed to put an end to the Shedim. Thanks for playing!

If you go too far in either direction it will flip to the next one numbers go from 0-99 either direction. Thanks hope you get it, theres some videos already of full playthrough perhaps you can check them if youre still stuck. No problem! Have fun

Thanks for playing!

No problem. What i said was i will bring most of my upcoming games to Steam, as well as the Japanese horror series I'm making!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game and I certainly enjoyed your playthrough! Cheers

日本のホラーシリーズを含む、より多くのゲームをすぐに Steam に導入する予定です
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Hello. It's not a bug, you just need to change the dial in the correct order when moving to the side make sure you are using arrow controls  to the sides and press space to unlock when the correct sequence is put in. Hope it helps and works out so you can play more.

SHEDIM  - A  mix of survival and psychological horror about jewish folklore,  demonology and a demonic entity known as the Shedim.

Game page:

Many years ago your wife was possessed and died after you opened a dybbuk box and came face to face with a Shedim. Time went by, as the sorrow in your heart grew, you thought the entity had finally let you go, but now its back and you must banish it once and for all after all of your previously failed attempts.


  • Large atmospheric aged Italian / Spanish inspired apartment with victorian style using photorealism
  • Lore-rich and Puzzle-rich gameplay. A story about Demonology, Dybbuk and the Shedim.
  • Survival horror mechanics inspired by RE1 / RE7. Melee combat, ranged combat, inventory management, safe rooms & crafting
  • Flashlight, lighter and candle light as well as objects that can be lit.
  • Realistic immersive audio design and 3D audio using binaural surround sound
  • 1 Ending - Around 30-40min gameplay


Created by Aza Game Studio

WARNING: This game contains effects and flashing lights that could trigger a seizure in some, play at your own risk.


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Hello.  According to PayPal this error means "400 (Bad Request) status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error"
I suggest perhaps try in another browser and clear cookies and everything else before doing so.

You can also try buying each game separately from the Urbex Sim Bundle and you will still get the discount either way.
Hope it helps and thanks for your support!

Sorry English only for now.

Thanks for playing glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing!

Thank you very much! Due to the isolation concept and minimal space i challenged myself to try make a game in a confined space! I have more Japanese horror games coming as well as others, so there is probably something more you would like, feel free to browse my other releases as well. I do appreciate the support a lot!

Hey man, no worries think I saw you posted it on your channel. Thank you so much for the support and definitely love trying out some different stuff I've got brewing stay tuned for more! Cheers

Thanks for playing glad you had fun with it!

You need to use WinRAR to extract the content folder of the game and execute the game with the .exe. WinRAR is free. 

Thanks for playing glad you enjoyed it, more games coming soon!