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A member registered Dec 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sure, I’m still open. My discord is assassinsenpai

nah, it’s fine. I don’t have much projects on hand.

Why yes I do. What’s your project? Here’s my discord: assassinsenpai

nice, thanks! Added you!

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Hi, my name is Mia, better known as AssassinSENPAI or just Senpai! I’m a blender 3d artist who can also create 2d renders of my scenes (in progress). I’m looking to help you with your project, either 3d or 2d. I mainly do environments, characters, and animation. I’ve always been a fan of dark fantasy and psychological horror, therefore, I pour my heart onto my work. When I’m not creating, I’m playing rpgs and solving mysteries.

Here are some of my works:

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Nice, count me in! Here’s some of my works: My discord handle is assassinsenpai

Hm, it’s unclear on what you need. Are you open to 3d environment artists?

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Sure thing! Just email me at:

Sure! My discord is AssassinSENPAI

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Hi, my name is Mia, better known as AssassinSENPAI or just Senpai! I’m a blender 3d artist who can also create 2d renders of my scenes (in progress). I’m looking to help you with your project, either 3d or 2d. I mainly do environments, characters, and animation. I’ve always been a fan of dark fantasy and psychological horror, therefore, I pour my heart onto my work. When I’m not creating, I’m playing rpgs and solving mysteries.

Here are some of my works:

Whoops, lol. I mean game designing job

Well. I’m broke.. So I won’t be able to pay upfront. (That’s the whole reason why I bothered to mention “shared revenue” and “hobby developer”). But if you still insist, once I earn money from this game gizmo and I need a developer, I’d consider.

Make that next week. I have computer problems, waiting for a new one.

Ok, will dm tomorrow

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Hmm, I only have 2 game ideas, once I need more developers, then I’ll hire you

Woah… I don’t even know half of those. I just have experience with godot

Yeah… About the pay, can we agree to shared revenue?

Cool, I checked out your creator’s page and I see you’ve made many games. What engine do you use?

Greatful to see some interest

Cool, what types?

Yes, actually I am

Ok, I’ll be waiting!


Ok,I’ll send you an invite

Oh, I’m a grade student as well, 12th grade, I’m 16.

I’m in the US. I can tell you’re much further

I don’t have a Whatsapp. I don’t even have a phone -~-. If you can’t use Discord or Email, I guess we can find an alternative. (I know I’ll set up a trello for game management)

You can find more details about working with me at my “in need of a programmer” topic. Thank you!

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Great! Can you visit my “need a programmer post”? Also have you worked on any games?

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How are you at making story driven or point and click games?

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I think we’d make a great adventure together as well. Oh, and I’m also a student. But you’re probably older than me. College?

I’d give you my discord, but my computer is so old and slow it lags. I’m saving up to buy a new one, but before then, you can contact me through email, mine is

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Cool! Have you worked on any games?

Nice, I’ve dabbled with godot a bit. I say it has potential.

But about me? Where to start. Haha..

I’ve tried at many different creative skills. 2d Art, 3d models, writing, even writing lyrics.

I’ll say I’m good at creating stories and I’m getting better at drawing (mainly different creatures and species). Background art? I’m still learning.

I can draw pixel art, it’s my second best art style.

My writing skills? My specialty is horror, fantasy, and mystery stories. Also beware, my stories may sometimes have deep, hidden meanings.

Coding? I fell in love with python, I’ve made a text adventure game with it, but there isn’t much game development you can do with it (apart from ren’py). I’ve also played with Rpg maker MV. And earlier, I’ve mentioned I used godot before. I’ve created a game from the official tutorials using gd script. I’ve also been trying to learn c++. When I was younger, I’ve tried my hand at ue4, managed to figure out a section of code, but it was no good for me at the time.

But enough of me. Sorry for my blabbering. Haha..

I think you have some potential to make some great games. Everyone starts somewhere.

As for my ideas. I’ve had an idea of a story-driven 2d point and click management game about two gunslinger brothers trying to manage a bed and breakfast hotel in the woods. You can imagine the controversy.

Now I’d like to know more about you :)

  1. I’ve made a few vns with ren’py and some knowledge of ue4/5 and godot. I’ve also dabbled with different coding languages. I’m more of an artist and designer than a developer.

  2. Unfortunately, no. But I’m a jack-of-all-trades with many different skills and I’m a quick learner. But of course, I’ll try to find more people.

  3. I have a few game ideas, but a team is required first.

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Nice! Can you take a look at my newest forum post?

To clarify the title. (I’m terribly sorry if it’s misleading). I’m looking for a someone who programs as a hobby (fine if not) with some experience with 2D point and click games. A bonus if you’re also willing to keep learning new skills.Just in case if we might get into other types of games. A versatile developer.

Other great qualities can include patience, kindness, and respect. It can be easy to lose your morals on a long or hard project. Ideas and skills take time and shouldn’t be rushed <3

I also want to make a point that at the end of the project, everyone gets a share of the reward. The amount? Depending on how many devlopers I choose and how much the game is sold for. But I promise a fair amount.

And I can’t go further without acknowledging the collaboration part. Developers are free to suggest ideas, and if things get too hard to program, we can negotiate.

Any game engine is acceptable and any number of developers can join.

Also, people with other skills related to game development are free to join. I’m just an artist and designer, the more people on the team, the better!

How are you with 2D point and click games?

What projects have you worked on?