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A member registered Mar 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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ahh I was wondering why there was no naughty scenes! Waiting for the nookie!

Yes, generic rigs would work just fine. In my case since I want to introduce other characters eventually the rigs need to be humanoid so I can share animations and not have to redo them. In the case of this game that would be especially useful for picking up and putting down objects on the dinner table since each of the animations also have event triggers to trigger the picking up and placing down of objects in the scene.

Ohh those are rad monsters! Which AI though, Midjourney? It works well with these characters, it feels like the same art style.

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I played twice. On the second playthrough I avoided the hand. I played it, I didn't enjoy it. But if your game crashes that's not my fault, that's on you to test it better. That's part of game development, testing is an important part. I wouldn't expect someone to ignore a bug that stopped them from playing my game and rate my game as if the bug never happened. It's a gamejam, you participated to learn how to make games better, now you know that you need to test your games on more than two pcs.

The art in this one is fantastic. The backgrounds and characters are great, Midjourney? Dalle? I also was a little bit unsure of my role in the story but I think all the individual characters had their own creepy charm. Maybe a little more introduction to the setting before meeting all the characters would have helped make it easier to follow along.

Ahh bugger I fell through the world. haha. The atmosphere is on point though! I think you nailed the underwater vibe perfectly. My playthrough also caused the monster to bug out but I was nervous going into the facility so I think you nailed the horror vibe it just needed some bug fixing and collider touching up!

Neat, I achieved VICTORY! I also didn't go down very deep to achieve victory as the other commenter has already said. Some of the colliders also probably could be a little more exact as I was definitely bumping into them even though there was no art to be seen. With some SFX and and a little music when you start going deep, it'll have a great little game loop for sure!

Fantastic entry! I really love this ps1 vibe! I wanted to do something similar in my entry but I was having so many problems with my shader there was no way I was going to get around to implementing something even close to this. Earned a follow from me, this is brilliant stuff, cant wait to see what you come up with next!

The game crashed when I interacted with the hand in the ground. I walked around for a bit and through the submarine but I didn't really see anything else to interact with.

Followed your work from the previous jam so I knew what I was getting into on this one. I think you did a really great job on the previous jam, but this one seems like you missed the mark by not hitting the theme or adding any music. I know you said it was completed in 2 days, which is crazy how much art you were able to include in 2 days! However, I think an extra day or two to add some SFX or music, and maybe darken the palette to really drive up the horror elements would have helped. It's got a happy bright palette which I don't think is quite scary and gives off more cute vibes than horror vibes. Looking forward to see what you come up with next!

I'm glad one of my games seemed to get a greater score than 6/10 for you. Always more stuff in the works, stay tuned and thanks for playing 

Gotcha! That's why he kept showing up. Though there doesn't seem to be any penalty for shooting the wrong thing. I know a lot of games give you a little camera overlay when you are in camera mode and some highlight the UI in green if you are pointing at the correct object for instance. Adding that to the camera view would definitely make it easier to communicate to the player that they are pointing at an object of interest that you need to take a photo of.

My pleasure! Feel free to share with your friends! The SFW Pastry Version of course!

Hahaha. I got a genuine chuckle from this comment, so thank you.

Quit doesnt work in the WebGL version because its web. But it works in the PC version. A hint button would be a great idea, I didn't think of that! Or maybe he could just speak and give hints after a bit.

This was really great! The static camera angles!!!! *Chefs Kiss*

I really liked the carrying of the mermaid part too, so great! I think the hallways were a little too difficult to navigate as they all looked the same, I don't think it needs to be maze like, I think it would be fine to add some details to act as landmarks or turn off the lights in some of the hallways, maybe a leaking roof or a window to the outside to really give the feeling like it was underwater.

I found the mermaid first and then the elevator. Then you have to go back to the mermaid to trigger the "hand" thing. That seemed kind of counter intuitive. Perhaps there is a crowbar or set of keys or a button to unlock her from the chair near that elevator and you press that first so that when you go back to the mermaid you can "rescue" her and only then take her to the elevator to escape.

I also really wanted a RUN button!

I really enjoyed this one, great job!

The color palette and graphics 100%!!! Such a nice selection! The audio needs a lot of balancing though, some of the sounds almost blew out my speakers, while others were hard to hear.

At first I wasn't sure what I had to do, but then I figured out I had to visit all the places and get rid of all the words. It looks really great. I think the art is fantastic! My one critique would be that im not sure what the camera mode does or why I need to switch into it and why that creepy model is always overlaid on my view finder. Maybe when you switch to 1st person you can have an overlay that looks like a camera viewfinder so that you know you are in camera mode.

At least he knows he's being rude :) Can't please everyone. I don't mind, 6/10 is higher than average!

Oh wow! You are absolutely right about the choice. I didn't even think of it that way. Based off some more feedback and yours I think the issue is that there is a lot of button mashing that happens and maybe its way too much. I think if I turn down the drag on the player to some really low number they can just glide for longer and it will be a much more pleasant experience with less button mashing.

It really throws you into the game right away with the action without knowing what to do or how to play. The text is there but its a bit small and hard to read. A died a few times just to figure it out but once I did it was no problem. I think maybe a small tutorial section that explains the gameplay would make this infinitely easier to play. Maybe allow the player to aim the gun up and down would be great too. I really liked the opening sequence though gameplay and action wise. The monster cracking the glass was great and the sounds were perfect.

Thanks for playing! I agree on the controls, I should have got some more playtester feedback and offered different controls. I had two completely opposing camps for the diving controls. Something I definitely could have addressed with more testing. Low poly isnt everyones cup of tea, but I appreciate you playing!

trackpad user!? Now that's a scenario I would never have considered in a million years haha. I  could have added it if I got .y settings menu up and running but I was having constant crashes in unity the entire development and tip toeing around certain screens to avoid crashes that I probably won't visit this game again. I don't want to look at that unity project ever again lol. Thanks for playing! Definitely I'll think about alternative inputs in my future games!

This was really fun! Also gotta get that student loan debt down!!! Really great use of the theme at the bottom too! I thought I would have to go back up to the top to deliver the goods. I also thought that the health bar was the air meter or something so I was speedrunning it until I hit one of the thorns and realized it was my HP.

I played through it a couple times to make sure I got all the pathways but they all lead to the same ending which started the day again. It would be great with some sound effects or music, maybe some other branching endings as well. 

Those slamming gears are quite hard to get the timing right on! It was fun to play definitely, I don't know if it was scary or if it quite hit the jam themes but as a game it was quite fun to play! Which is the most important point anyway!

Horror games aren't my thing either! That's why I joined the gamejam. Gotta push the boundaries and learn a new skill each time.

Well at least it didn't break. Perhaps one of my other games might be more your style. I recommend "Heartthrob of the Harem" or "Tidy Christmas"

Apparently, just going from my analytics and popularity of the game... this is actually what the people wanted LOL.

I took your comments to heart and I think its a better game for it! I made an update to it that increases the camera distance so you can get a better view of the map without giving too much away (as its a rather small map) and increased the guard turning speed and hearing detection. I also slowed the player down a bit so the run isn't so OP!

Thank you for playing! It was a fun and silly little jam game, although based on some of the scores apparently I did touch a nerve with some republicans! hahaha

Much better! The UI is obviously much better too, makes more sense than the regular bar. Also, I finally got the end screen this time! Great job!

Thanks for playing! I had so much trouble with the mouse lock, I dont think i'll ever make a game that requires the mouse lock again, too much hassle. The mouth aim is something I heard from one other person who played and not something I had considered. I thought it was too easy which is why I actually shrunk the mouth collider but since the game is NSFW I didn't get a chance to watch the game get played on stream by some of the streamers I usually go to, to check my builds. It's actually a very simple system, all you have to do is hold the mouse in the center of the screen and click the mouse button when the mouth is facing forward, it stops the head rotation and moves the whole head towards the camera. But if I had a chance to watch some playthroughs I probably would have caught that and made it easier.

Thanks for playing! The sexy animations and the player walk cycle were done in Blender. There was a little mix of Mixamo as well. The voices were fun to do, the girls voices were done with Elevenlabs.

Oooohhhh that's a good catch! I didn't even think about that scenario! I have a collider for the head and a different one for the mouth but nothing if you completely miss. Didn't even think about that! I just need to make the head collider huge, so you hit the head if you miss. Hahaha. Thanks for pointing that out!

Also, that's a good idea that if you get all 15 girls you get a special ending! I'll definitely see about adding that in with the BJ fix! Thanks!

No cappy bara banging??? I finally got to the hot spring with the cappy and got no cap! There was a lot of exposition so I will admit I sped through a chunk of it trying to get some naughty scenes and I tried each of the rocks paper scissors games to see if there was a way to win to bang the rabbit... disappointed I didn't get to do that either. Lots of side characters and art you did for this game that could do with some monkey sex. Great job though, so much art to make! Impressive!

That was pretty disturbing, made more so by the pencil art. Not sure why she was able to kill me on the flimsy balcony awning outside the window in full view of everyone? Horror isn't my thing so this wasn't really my cup of tea. However, I know that putting together all this takes a lot of work, especially with branching dialogue and options!

I think I may have encountered a bug that wont let me finish the game. I got the fire power, and the air power and made it across the slanted parkour pillar in the sky but it wouldn't let me teleport to the next section. The trigger for the teleport in the sky is turned off or something. The ending animations when the dragon man catches you are great! Getting stuck on the ledges while jumping was a bit frustrating but the dash jump helped and it was fun hiding from the giant dick dragon in the sky lol.

Those voices were great lol! Simple and easy to pickup and play. I'm shocked at how much artwork had to be made to get that whole cat scene done! This would work well in 3D too with the cat people walking around, maybe Hidden Tits in the park 2?

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This is a cool and fun NSFW game, but it looks like it wasn't made during the gamejam, but at the very least 48 days ago? Which kind of explains why its so big and filled with stuff to do.