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(1 edit)

That is not a simple question to answer, the market is not simple to understand.

For example, "call of duty" is a fairly expensive game, which requires an Activision account and many people are not going to play it, but they would play a historical FPS if it were cheaper or without DRM or the need for an account, etc.

Simcity was the reference city builder many years ago, but it made bad decisions that many people (including myself) did not share and I stopped buying them. When skylines came out, despite being very similar, those details were decisive, I have never bought a new Simcity since skylines came out.

These are just examples of how small details alter how a person sees a game.

It is true that many players think that games like "call of duty" are the best war FPS, but they forget that this is not true for everyone, there are other niches of player that will play a war FPS if it offers something different For example, a lower price, not having DRM, even a certain aesthetic, mixing genres, etc.

Normally finding these types of details is complex, you must resort to market studies, something that is out of the reach of an independent developer.

Ask the next question.
Why are you programming a WW2 FPS?

If the answer is because you want to learn or you have fun doing it, then you are not interested in competing with "call of duty", your goal is to achieve a good game.

Maybe you would like a WW2 FPS that has a lot of real story and interaction with NPCs. You will never be able to compete with Call of Duty, but you will find other players who share your vision and enjoy your game.

If you want to make a game that is popular and sells many copies, then before programming a single line, you should do studies and look for information on how to compete with the other similar games.

I'm an unexperienced Game developer  i can never compete with a AAA Company that has massive budget.

As a gamer i don't like DRM and high price games that are not worth and need extra account with another platform sign-in to play the game, I'm not including them since they act as a barrier and my plans is to make it free. Why I'm making a WW2 game i like War games in general and i enjoy my time programming and solving problems so I'm making one and one of my goal is to make it success and functioning game. Doing a small research i manage to find many WW2 games that offer better Games(free or paid) one of my problems is i can't delivery high quality game with extra features with the limited budget and time and due to my lack of experience i might end up having bugs that can't be fixed and since one of my goals is to be a successful game developer in the future such matter act as an obstacle.

my current plan is keep working on the game>make sure it works>hope that people will enjoy>if any bug encountered Fixed it>Support the game for as long as you can.
