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I believe there is a translation misunderstanding. What I wrote was a question. And not a claim plus a question. If this is not so in English, I would be interested how to phrase that unambigously in English. The leading ...and should have indicated that I was searching for a reason why this thread had been opened. For example, because the request stayed unanswered for days.

And I continued trying to reassure OP that itch staff would know what to do and that it would take more than minutes. Because that was my impression, that the post and the request were made on the same day, which turned out to be true.

As for you reading here, the communty rules verbatim predict otherwise.

3. I know. See request (208429) for more.

There is no contradiction with that warning thread. I want itch to not be known for malware, so I try to do things that lessen this. Because as time goes on, people will get hacked and tell other people about it. I did not even know itch existed two years ago. There are bound to be people hearing for the first time ever about itch, from friends that tell they got hacked.

Seeing months old malware and the focus of the discord psa on direct marketing kinda triggered it. So I made one focusing on indirect marketing. Every little bit might help. I have literally seen malware here impersonating the real creator that was also hosted on itch, but was delisted. Or cases where you could search for the malware name and find both, the original and the fake. It is not only people that browse recent that are in danger. 

But let us not hijack this thread any more.