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Hey, man! I just wanted to let you know that I've been playing your game for a little while. As someone who is working on a similar project, I can tell you that it really inspired me. What language did you program it in?

Glad to hear that you like it! I wrote it in C#, but honestly you can pick any language for a console text adventure.

The bit that I was interested in was the dungeon generator. I believe it's a procedural one, that uses a seed. I was wondering if you could take a little bit of time and talk with me about the algorithm. I have a similar thing implemented in one of my projects (you can find it here, on, on my page), but it has some limitations and I am always looking for ways of improving on it. If that's ok with you, let me know and I can provide you with an email address or even a subreddit that I've set up. By the way, I'm using python for my programming, but I think it won't be a problem, since we'll be discussing algorithms, not programming.

I can send you the source code of this game if you give me your mail address.

Thank you very much! My email is