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OMG! Your art is fantastic. I would love to work with you. <3 My self and a few other people are making a game for the preggo game jam. We need 5-6 images of Buttercup (AJ's mother in MLP) getting progressivly more pregnant.

More detail on the project.

I hope you say yes. It would be amazing to have you on the team. If you are not interested I will understand. I hope you find a project you love and have a wonderful day.

Hello! Thank you so much!! Would you be able to DM me on twitter/x with more information regarding what exactly I'd be drawing? :D

I don't have a twitter account, but I absolutly will make one if it means I can work with you. I have Dischord. If you don't have Dischord tell me your twitter handle and I will DM you asap.