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(3 edits)

I just paid for a game and it will not download either. This is a bad start for a first time user. Tried 'Enable alternate download mode' and nothing either. Using firefox with all addons off in Linux, no problems anywhere else.

Trying to download 'Depression Quest' to give someone, this is ironic as it would be depressing for them to have this not download! Lucky for me it's just a little annoying, 

The thing is I was going to download this the other day and it also failed so I emailed support on here, and got no response.

(2 edits)

Cannot believe that there is NO proper download for these files. All I get is 'javascript:void(0);' for every button, none of the workarounds work. Why don't you just place the SMALL files on an internet drive?

Javascript is installed.

Javascript is activated for firefox.

Should I install another OS and say Chrome or edge to download a couple of small files?

Just tried on a Windows machine and it does not download either.

You need to just fix this as it's a very bad look for a first time (and at this rate last time) user.

The javascript void is normal. Downloading works in general. Whatever this is, it seems to be project specific. Support is currently swamped with other issues, and might not even be able to properly help without the error messages, as shown above.