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You take too long to act on reports. R-84586 for example. It is not weekend. That is 60 hours and counting.

And regarding weekends, you have to solve that problem too. You allow malware spreaders to do their thing unprotested, just because of what the calendar says.

Users that did notice that something is malware cannot even give warning to other users, because there are no public reviews attached to a project. And comments can be deleted by the developer.

As it is now, you should give a big warning message like that quarantine message for each download and doubly for each external link.

What is more important? Not delisting a game for manual review, because the report might be in error or even malicious, or allowing a potential malware to continue to spread being under the umbrella of appearing legit, because it is hosted on indexed on itch?

If you do not have such a system already, fastrack reports of "known" reporters, maybe even to auto-delist a reported game, if the report cannot be processed by staff within minutes.

And should you have a system of protecting accounts against reports, just because they are older, have 2fa, payment information or whatever, scratch that system. It is contra productive. The scammers use hacked accounts for a reason. And the hacked accounts prove beyond any doubt, that there is a huge problem.