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Duckling  and dandelions

Drawing for today about them of little animals. Amusing animals theme. Duck. Duckling. Duck. Grey. Dark green. They can be different. Duckling is living at the field. And near there is a water. Dandelion is as big as he is himself. So, you can imagine what world duckling live! He runs in a grass. And can hide there. Or have a cover from a hot weather. It is good when it is a sunny day – to run at the green field. And after - to jump straight into the river. And swim. And be refreshed.

Water is a little fresh and water is going somewhere. Water sound. Frogs are here in a shadows. They are doing qua quaka sounds. It is excellent place here at the fields. And he runs out of the water. And appeared immediately at the field. So, it is a standalone world. Lots of bugs, fly, insects. So, tell me who is not here.

Duckling is doing run away and run across the field. Just through dandelions. And grass. He meets several bugs – his friends. But duckling is busy now, he is running, he is running fast across the field. Fly is tick away. Just around him. With a whistling. Duckling run into a big cluster of dandelions and he stops. They are fluffy. And duckling start to smile. He is having fun. He sits in the grass. And decide to watch what is interesting going on here. And he did not notice how he fell asleep. With a sound of bugs. And singing of grasshoppers. And buzz of fly and insects. He has a dream about how he goes to the river. To his friends frogs. And they drink a tea.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.