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Uhh, hello there...

So... I told you guys and gals that I will be making significant progress but my computer got corrupted and I was in a lot of trouble for around two days.

The good news is that the project & my development tools aren't corrupted! In short nothing of value was lost!

Now I have Windows 11 installed.

Unfortunately I'm not sure if this is 'Windows 11 pro' edition or 'Windows 11 pro free no virus please' edition. I hope it's the first one...

I couldn't do much, but I will update you about it anyway.

Now we have camera shake!:

The light system is also here:

If you don't know what light system is, let me explain it real quick:

If you turn off all lights in the house, you will enter Lights Off Mode.

While in this mode, if you stare at an object for a long time, one of the following events will happen:

1. If you were staring at a 'cursed' object, it will die and turn into a normal prop.

2. If you were staring at a normal prop, one of the 'cursed' prop will get aggressive and move towards you even if you're looking at it (It will not play hide&seek anymore). This aggravated prop will not die, if you try to stare at it in Lights Off Mode.

Anyways, from now on, I'll try to update y'all at least every two days (unless I have a lot of work). I also want to know your ideas about this game. If you feel like you have a good idea that I can add to the project, please comment it under this post.

Bye Bye For Now!  \(QωQ)/

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm not sure if this will break your game, but have you considered adding items? Maybe you can look throughout the house to find items. Honestly I don't care if you add them, just a thought.

EDIT: forgot to share my ideas on this game. it's great. I'm excited when it comes out, but i want to know if there will be a beta test or not. I hope you have a great Easter/Resurrection day :3


Thanks a lot!
There will be a few items, the flashlight for example. It will be in the garage. However the garage door only opens in certain events.

I'm not sure if I want to release it as beta or completely finish it first. The last game I published was kinda buggy so I most likely will release a closed beta for this one before publishing it. I may even publish a demo for it and if it gets attention, I would expand it beyond my current scope.