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Hello there!

First of all, the project has officially been named 'REANIMATED'!

I've mostly been setting up the new map, and preparing it for future development.

To be exact, I have:

1. Tweaked the map layout

2. Set up colliders, joints, sound effects & masses

3. Added some post-processing filters

4. Made the garage

5. Improved lighting

6. Improved performance

7. Improved the atmosphere

Without post-processing effects:

With post-processing effects:

Outside of the garage:

Inside of the garage (Work In Progress):

The clock:

Now I have to set up the prop AI for the new props and test the game.

After that, the fun part will begin!

When I finish setting up the AI, I'll start working on the events, making the AI more advanced & finally starting to add the horror elements!

See you in the next devlog, have a great night! Also I'm in your walls.