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Hey man

I've just played your game here for a bit. It looks solid to me! The music and SFX looks sharp tho' I'd work a bit on EQing some of the horror ambiences (horror composer here!). The thing you did of having the scene morph was a neat trick, it really adds a sense of otherworldly stuff happening.

Also the monster's movement patterns were well developed their erratic movement patterns really puts tension in the player! The fog you added was very nice too. 

I'm not really sure what else could be improved, it looks like a solid retro RPG maker to me. So yeah, good job!

Are you planning on developing new games?

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the game. As for creating new games, yes - I plan to continue. I've developed many games, but they were exclusively in Polish and released on typically Polish websites. I also have plans to translate some of them into English, but aside from that, I intend to create entirely new games as well. I have a lot of ideas.

That's awesome mate!
Which genre would it be? regarding the next game that you intend to develop?
Yeah, totally do that, in English it's way more accessible, it'll surely increase your audience. 

As I mentioned, I have many ideas. One of them is an RPG set on a deteriorating space station. However, initially, I will try to create a dungeon crawler about certain gnomes and a crumbling kingdom, along with a mysterious treasure

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"RPG set on a deteriorating space station".

Oh,  interesting. I believe Sonuscore's Elysion 1 and 2 are the perfect VST to compose music for this genre!

Dungeon Crawler seems awesome too. Ever heard of "Fear and Hunger"?

Hey man, your game is quite challenging! I keep dying in some parts so it'll take some more time to get ahead of it lol. By the way, let me know if I can help with game testing or audio / SFX feedback when you get the next going!

Happy New Year!

Indeed, I've heard about the game 'Fear and Hunger.' However, my dungeon crawler will be more filled with humor rather than dramatic. xD
Right now, I'm gathering inspiration for its creation. Belated Happy New Year to you too!

(2 edits)

Keep working and posting!

By the way, if you you're planning any commercial games to sell in the future and you need sound design support I can totally compose a free 2 min music for you or else I offer all the music packs I've created so far in my Patreon!

Or if it may be of any help I'm always releasing forever free music to download in my YouTube channel, in case you feel it to be of any value you can subscribe to my channel and follow up the future releases. 

Here's my YouTube channel and all the links in it:

Best Regards!