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As far as I understood everything you said, exactly the same setup (pages/payment etc.) on my prev. account had no problem with indexing immediately or day after. Actually, there were even the same games as here. From outer perspective, I even improved quality of these pages a bit so I think it might be some anti-spam block or just pure luck now. 

Sorry to say it this blunt, but there is nothing there to be bad quality, because there is nothing there.

If you had an old account and now try anew, that might have get you flagged for closer inspection or even triggered other precautions.

Every other thread here is about not being indexed. Worst case, you got flagged for manual inspection and the games were deemed to not meet the quality guidelines.

(1 edit)

Yes it's nothing there like in many other pages and somehow they got indexed (even worse - viruses or badly created webistes even with no front cover of anything game related). Thats why I posted my question that it might be some account problem being flagged.