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We'd love to, honestly, but it's incredibly expensive and the interest in niche indie TTRPGs so low that we probably won't ever be able to afford to. If we ever make a ton of cash it'll be on the list of things we'll consider spending it on, everyone on the team shares this disappointment, I assure you.

You can get a couple copies on Ebay occasionally;

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Isn't this the sort of thing that might be able to be done through a subsequent crowdfunding campaign? I swear I've seen more than one backer-funded reprint campaign...

(Which is not to say that sort of thing can just be done without its own nontrivial chunk of time and effort, mind! But I think it'd likely be less of a hill to climb than the cost of ordering another print run yourselves, without having some similar form of preorders already lined up to guarantee it'll pay off.)

Absolutely; if we were ever gonna do a reprint it would be via a crowdfunder, the barrier is that we can only do one~ crowdfunder a year, and at least at the moment our priority tends to land on Cool New Thing.  When HELLPIERCERS is done and we're clear on our To-Do list, we'll be discussing a reprint more seriously for sure