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(2 edits) (+4)

I only discovered Space Funeral last year (which had such a good sound selection that it propelled me to go on a personal journey of musical exploration) and so this series was a welcome new find. I binged it all in a day. Each episode always feels fresh and never repetitive, dangling newfound swords of damocles over BB's murder-prone head. They all capture well the otherworldly, unpredictable, and sometimes numinous feelings of dreams. It's also nice to see the episodes get gradually more technically complex and artistically refined. BB also just has an appealing art style and character- she's like a perverse Nancy Drew who runs headlong into mystery and certain death and yet somehow always pops out on the other end unscathed, having learned nothing other than that she won't be paid for any of her efforts. 

One comment from a design point(spoilers): I've found that chase sequences are a little less scary the further I go in the series because I know that if I get caught (or, at least feel this way. I try not to get caught) that BB will just get transported somewhere that will advance the plot. They're still mostly tense and anxiety-inducing, but I wonder if there's a way to counteract the player's gradual acclamation to this throughout the series (if this even should matter)? Anyway, this is a very minor point and this series is otherwise masterful in many ways. I can't wait for the next installment!

Also, I was very thankful to have watched that video of those guys eating at all the Rainforest Cafes so that I could appreciate the final episode better.