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Here are a few thoughts:

1 - Overall great job. I like that the computer feels like it's "just user friendly enough", with the unexplained blinking light next to things that are "new".  You might actually enhance this by starting the game with some of the lights already blinking and turn them off as we explore.

2 - In the video sequence, you have to return to your guest several times to trigger the sequence proceeding, but there isn't a clear reason to. Perhaps you might include something in the report.  "The next door neighbor said they heard them going in and out of the bathroom all night long" or something.

3 - In the 3D maze, you might make the photos from the photo viewer come up more often; you also might prompt to press escape to leave it behind. (I clicked a bunch, hit space bar, etc. but didn't think to use Escape as I never used it before.)

The sound in this game is great, the graphics are top tier. I especially love the deer picture. Felt really weird and creepy.  All in all a really fun experience!